Moderating Threads

If you look at the similarities between the two from south Florida, I'd bet we'll see more of the same in the future. I wonder how many personalities he has.
Let's just say the Moderators decided to take out the trash. If it rolls back on the lawn (under a different name) please let us know.

We'll kick it back to the curb..... :thebirdm:

Like I said.....
I was reading through this post, and i saw a lot of positive support for closing that thread. I want to whole-heartedly agree that that had degenerated into something akin to a squabble among immature teenegers about who knew more about their own opinion. I should know, i am one.

So back on track, good job. I've read a lot of your posts Fastback340, and i see that you are a fair individual, who is not out there on a 'power trip'. I know far too many people like that, so i tend to recognize them off the bat, even through internet wall posts. lol. You're a good guy, looking out for the happiness of the site.



And now, a word to anyone that wishes to post anymore rude comments directed toward other members, not explicitly concerning MOPARS, upon this site. I'm ashamed. I'm 17, and i'm telling all you adults who choose to continue posting rude comments, that i am ashamed. Please stop.

Well I just got caught up on this thread :salut:
First off, thank you again for this great site Moderators .

But I just had to jump in and tell this young man walkintree.
That he really made me proud to read so much good advice from
a young man :thumbrig: Well said walkintree=D>

LIFE 091.jpg
Dam I missed that one with speedyvision, that was short and intense. Has there been any axe murders in south florida lately.:axe:

GTXperience, thanks for posting that link. I missed all of that thread somehow. It was a very humorous read. I'm sorry to the members who took the brunt of that one, but that makes great reading for me.
As for mopar62, your loss buddy(yes,we know you are still coming on here, and reading all about our great A-bods).

This site has the best moderators of any boards I read.
Thanks guys, and thanks to all the great members

You are more than welcome MtNemo. She still pops up on the board late at night and peruses the forums. I am absolutely sure her head would be a spinnin' if she saw this. BTW: I forgot how amusing that thread was until I just reread the entire thing.
Wow! I remember the first few posts of that thread but never saw how it ended until now. Sometimes people are hard to under stand. I don't think emoticons would have helped much. She obviously doesn't understand them.
It is truly unfortunate when some people just do not have the ability to function as an adult in a group setting. Even more so in this case, because from reading some of the 500+ posts this member made, it seemed that he actually is quite knowledgeable on Mopars. I daresay, that in some ways he contributed (and could have contributed more) to our community, but due to his anger at the cards he has been dealt, instead vented on everyone else.

I support the descisions of the mods on this one, as negativity just breeds negativity, and all in all, everyone here - regardless of their opinions and beliefs, have been able to state their positions without resorting to berating others.

This is a great board, the members are great people, and I enjoy spending time reading each and every new post.

The only real loss is that Windsordeath seems to be “missing in action”. I sent him a private message last week after Fastback340 shut down the original thread. Windsordeath felt genuinely bad about the effect of his comments had on Mopar1962 and he sent me a copy of the PM apologies he sent to Mopar1962. Having been a young combat Marine once (I’m 62 this year) I know he meant no disrespect to anyone but was proud of his battlefield conduct. I also know by experience that the reaction (of those who have never been in combat) to a veteran’s elevated violence level, can easily lead to misunderstood. :|
I didn't read the post your talking about, but I thought we were allowed to talk about anything on the general discussion posts??? Please let me know, Walt:read2:
Pagilman: PM sent

Everyone else: Let this go away. Please....