Mopar disney pixar make over!

What do you think of my pixar mopar editing?

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Ok guys,I got bored again....which means that I made something cool for everyones viewing pleasure lol

I did something with fabo member brian kaplans duster (so feel special about your freebie lol)

Anyhow...this took FOREVER to do it how I wanted and it requires alot of messing around to get a decent end result but I think it looks very cool.

And I hate to say it...but as much as I would love to hook all of fabo up on doing freebies of there cars this way....its a pretty long process and would get old pretty fast but if you really want it done and want to give a couple dollars for one of your car or something than I am sure we could work something out.

But anyhow, I just wanted to post this up for everyone and get all of your opinions on it and see if you think it looks good enough to bother doing anymore? thanks guys.

Here are before and after pictures!

brian kaplans duster original.jpg

Duster chopped done.jpg
Is there any chance you could do my 66 Dart?(If your bored,that is)Could you put a snorkle scoop and some big tires on the back?I,d appreaciate it if you could do this as this is the look I,ll be doing for next spring.Thanks!

car pics 66 Dart 001.jpg
Is there any chance you could do my 66 Dart?(If your bored,that is)Could you put a snorkle scoop and some big tires on the back?I,d appreaciate it if you could do this as this is the look I,ll be doing for next spring.Thanks!

It may be a day or so before I get a chance...depends on how much time i set aside to mess with it and I have been getting pm's and emails from alot of people wanting there cars done too...picking up faster than I expected lol
I,m in no rush,looks like you,ve got some work ahead of you(with your truck)I,ll keep an eye on the thread.Thanks.
heres my challenger t/a

Not too shabby....dont take this the wrong way here but you need to work on your blend....such as the mouth area...rather than lay a mouth on the bumper,blend it into the body...and the eyes look to need to blend them into the trim and then reverse blend the trim to the eyes and set your opacity...and im not to keen on the red wheels on the yello,great car to use though and very good job ....I just figured I would give you a couple of tips....keep up the good work
I,m in no rush,looks like you,ve got some work ahead of you(with your truck)I,ll keep an eye on the thread.Thanks.

HAHA you seen my other thread huh? ya....someone backed into my D*mn truck and pushed the bumper in,took out my tail light and caved the bed side in and then left.....

So I have some work ahead of me on my truck to do and in the mean time the duster project is at a stand still.

FUN :banghead:
I am not sure what you guys are talking about? snotrod was in the movie!!!.....granted he only had two small parts but he was in the movie....once towords the beginning of the movie when "MAC" falls asleep on the highway and snot rod sneezes and does a burnout and wakes him up and his second spot in the movie is at the end when him and a few little tuner cars are locked up in a impound lot ... And someone mentioned he was a new challenger but he was an old challenger.

2012 is when the new CARS 2 comes out.....can only hope he gets a bigger role and maybe the addition of some muscle characters

Actually now that you mention it... I do remember that, haha.

And you're doing a good job with these! SO tell me, how are you doing the front bumpers? hehehe
man how do you guys do tht i wanna try to do it on ky car
Not too shabby....dont take this the wrong way here but you need to work on your blend....such as the mouth area...rather than lay a mouth on the bumper,blend it into the body...and the eyes look to need to blend them into the trim and then reverse blend the trim to the eyes and set your opacity...and im not to keen on the red wheels on the yello,great car to use though and very good job ....I just figured I would give you a couple of tips....keep up the good work
thanks i did this years ago after the movie came out and i only took about 20 min to have some fun with it
Actually now that you mention it... I do remember that, haha.

And you're doing a good job with these! SO tell me, how are you doing the front bumpers? hehehe

Its tricky lol...kind of hard to explain from text....Im trying to learn how to do renderings like fabo member "sharpie" does....but my photoshop went down and I am reinstalling it right now.

I do all the bumper work pretty much from scratchs...alot of opacity changes alot of hue changes,alot of highlight and low light changes,alot of color dropping and blending and fading and feathering and layering....its a tricky process but once you get it down,it doesnt seem like such a huge process...but still no 10 second fix thats for sure lol
Ok guys...I did another one for member volare360rt hope it is what you were looking for....once I brought your picture up in the editor it was pretty pixalated (not a very good picture) so I did what I could with it as best as I could with the time frame I had.

to those of you who have pm'ed me or messaged on the thread with your request...I am getting to yours soon enough.

Been doing yard/house work,my truck got backed into and all dented up,been running around paying bills and stuff,working on the duster....but ill get to them, I have not forgot!


wow that is awesome

I have tried a bit on photoshop and cant get it to do anything I want
these are wonderful

thanks DusterDude
I have a new background on my computer
Ok guys, I got yet another one for fellow fabo member " KP " its of his 71 duster.

I hope I got it right and its what you werel ooknig for...I would have been done alot sooner but black and white is hard to get to turn out right so I had to custom make the entire set of eyes and try and match it as best as I could and I ran some trancparency to it to my it look "windshieldish" lol...let me know what you think!

Kps duster original.jpg

KPs duster.jpg