Most memorable drag image


I was at Englishtown in 1987 (I think?) when Garlits did his flip. He didn't stop the car from rolling backwards, he actually kept his foot in it, and drove the car back to the starting line.
It was the most scarry, coolest thing I ever saw at a dragstrip in my life.
There is a video on You Tube showing it in full color!

For me it would have to be any pair of altered wheelbase cars pulling the wheels on some small back-woods track down south. I'm talking wrinkle-wall slicks twisted beyond good sense... frame bending.... bumper scrapin stuff.

Like a snap-shot of a grenade going off.....8)
For me it was the '72 Summer nationals @ E-Town when Herb McCandless put that P/S Demon on the rear bumper!!!
I'm pretty sure that 'da Grump was in the other lane. I hated that Vega!!!
John!! I didn't know you had a tattoo.....and big...boobs.

The altereds are great memories. Watching nutbars like The Surfers, Prudhom, Garlits, smoke em full pass, still give me shivers.
When I am able to scan an image I will post a pic of my dad on fire goin' down the quarter.
these are my most memorable drag images. all of my dad's racecars. i grew up at dragstrips, every weekend.



