MSD let the smoke out of the box...



"pull hard, itll come easy"
Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
Zoo montana
First time in 8 years ive ever had a problem with MSD, and it sure was a doozie...Im thinking it was a faulty resistor that decided to bite the dust and take out everything around it. it was an analog 6A. Just what i needed at 4:30 in the morning. I rechecked all the wiring, ground was zero ohms resistance from battery to block, to box, and from box to battery. (i have the ground for my box on the block, i know thats a no-no but its solid.) power supply is 0.1 volts lower than battery voltage, signal wire is the same. so im confident its just a case of horrible luck and timing....anyone else out there have a meltdown like this?


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No but look at it as a good opportunity to update and upgrade your box. Think positive!
If it's just a popped resistor, see if one of your MSD buddies can take their similar unit apart and get you the values. The fix shouldn't be too difficult.
I think you will find one or both 2n5884 shorted collector to emitter. They are the transistors that switch the transformer primary for the high voltage supply. The transformer may be suspect too if the power on for seconds, the emitter resistors may have prevented that. It is also possible traces are burned.
Meltage like that (looking at the wires) means VERY high current draw. Not good You'll be lucky if it's economicaly repairable. I see MSD boxes on Craigs used, I doubt you can fix it for what it's worth.
My dads rev limiter stopped working on his box last year and he spoke with a MSD service tech and they fixed his for free. he didnt have a receipt for when he bought it or anything. Its worth a shot to call them and see if they are going to stand behind the products they sell.
If it's just a popped resistor, see if one of your MSD buddies can take their similar unit apart and get you the values. The fix shouldn't be too difficult.

No but look at it as a good opportunity to update and upgrade your box. Think positive!

well since this is the only rig I have thats legal (trucks tags are expired) I saw this as a time to upgrade, went to a digital 6AL, and picked up some spiral-core 8mm wires. This roasted box is pushing 8 years old and im really not torqued about it dying, mostly irked about when it died haha I ran this box in 3 different rigs. As for the resistor values i do have an extra OLD 6A that had a slight misfire at idle, i could rip it down to see whats what and play mad-scientist. hehehehe
The new digital boxes ,rock. I myself,run the old analog 6al. Follow the instructions,sweet. The new boxes,have a lot to offer. The wider voltage input allowed,the rev delimiters,all cool. Bought this box ,in 98 .Still kicking. Eventually,an upgrade. For now,status quo.
im actually very happy with mine sofar, both of em. powerwagons running one too. the rev limiter works very well, it doesnt cut the ignition, it just plateaus out, and stops pulling, but it doesnt pop, jerk, get erratic, its just a nice flattening out you might say. ive noticed the idle it much smoother when i converted both the dart and powerwagon to the digital units. they dont start as fast, but its not a huge deal. idle quality and throttle response are noticeably better. just remember, if you do convert over, for whatever reason the unit in my powerwagon retarded the timing 11 degrees and the dart 8 degrees. so a re-time is a necessity.