My apology to everyone



Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
rio rancho, nm
I just want let everyone know I am sorry for causing a dispute on FABO. I never intended my post to cause any kind if bias between the public and law enforcement.
I have a great amount of respect for any person that is willing to put their own life on the line to help the public. Especially police officers and Firemen. I know I'm leaving out alot of others but they are in the same category.
Rumble did a great job cleaning up the mess and I am grateful to have him, and others running this GREAT site.
I'm not going to lie and say I didn't think my post was going to generate a negative response because I knew it would. That's why I'm apologizing to everyone. I let my emotions and love for my wife dictate my actions in a sorta unresponsible way. A lesson was learned and I hope to be a member here for a very long time. I have grown to enjoy all the posts and members. I sure hope I get to meet some of you in the future. I was wrong to post a personal attack on someone that got under my skin and I'm sorry.

63 Dartman
You are a good man for sticking up for your wife and what you both believe in. You arent the first and wont be the last who has this type of situation come up in there life. Good luck and God bless
As a law enforcement officer, I accept your apology, and offer one of my own for the way your wife was treated. Some cops think that the badge comes with a license to do whatever to whoever they please, when in actuality it is the exact opposite. My philosophy is that we (police) have to lead by example. We are under constant scrutiny and have got to conduct ourselves appropriately on and off duty. What I do here in SC definitely reflects on my Police brothers everywhere and vice versa. I do so hate trying to turn someones opinion of me around when it has been formed 1200 miles away by a jerk. Again, sorry for the way you and yours were treated.

Not to worry Dartman, I and most others on this forum knew where you were coming from and I'm sure understand that you were not trying to paint all cops with the same brush only the bad ones. It's a touchy subject and always will be but still needs to be discussed.

I agree BBDart I've been doing the job for almost 10 years now and as long as there is one jerk out there with a badge its an uphill battle.
Missed the post but I respect anyone who can man-up to a mistake and admit it.
Now, go enjoy a cold beer and drink responsibly. You earned it.

Takes a big man to step up an make an apology like that. Im sure its pretty clear to just about everyone that your intention with the thread wasnt to bash cops or take verbal shots at other members. Everyone says something sooner or later that they look back on and wish they would have worded differently or take back altogether. Ive always liked reading what you have to say on any topic and hope you keep on posting. No blood no foul, live and learn, etc, etc
No worries here 63dartman....LIFE happens to the best of us. :-D

My original post & suggestion got lost in the shuffle. Best to you and your wife. Life is too short.

I agree that rumblefish Rob did a super job "as always" .....and I am also sorry if I caused any trouble by responding to the post of the member who got banned. It just struck me as pretty strong for a first post :dontknow:.

FABO is great.........=P~
I for one understand how easy it is to come here and share and vent dartman.
You are a great member and still have mine and all members respect here and understand your feelings as things arise in our life, You are a good man and should stand strong when things go sour with your family. I would have dun the same.
I hope you and your wife can put a smile on for me and allot of other members here.
Come on know give me a smile :poke::toothy7: That is better :-D
God bless you and your wife and family dartman.
You did what any loving and caring husband would have dun.:love7:
No worries here 63dartman....LIFE happens to the best of us. :-D

My original post & suggestion got lost in the shuffle. Best to you and your wife. Life is too short.

I agree that rumblefish Rob did a super job "as always" .....and I am also sorry if I caused any trouble by responding to the post of the member who got banned. It just struck me as pretty strong for a first post :dontknow:.

FABO is great.........=P~

Oh crap, did I get banned again.:poke:
Emotions can get the best of us at any time so I totally understand. I'm not a cop so needless to say I wasn't as offended as our members here that are. I am however a Government employee and we tend to painted with the same broad brush, everyone thinks we're lazy, useless assholes and it offends me no end, I am not useless :bootysha:
I think in the heat of defending our wives most of us could be guilty of the same. I wish you and your wife all the best. I can always respect a man who can change his mind after some introspection. Good on you.
Dartman, you only did what any of us would have done. I have been involved in situations before when in taking up for wife or family I probably said / did some things that shouldn't have been said /done, but that's pretty much the nature for most of us. As far as "painting all cops with one brush" alot of us do the same with lawyers, politicians, car salesmen, or others. Most people have had both good and bad experiences with law enforcement and usually the bad experiences are the ones that really stick with us. My Dad was a local cop, and my son is a Federal agent, and I never heard anyone say one negative word about my Dad and the way he did his job and treated people. My son is just beginning his career, but I have every confidence that he too will not let the badge and gun go to his head. He just was not brought up that way and I know he won't disappoint himself or others. I hope everything works out well for you and your wife, and you will not let this bad experience give you a negative opinion of all law enforcement officers. Good luck and God bless.
We all say things we later regret. I hope you'll let us know how it all plays out, and your wife can put this unpleasantness behind her.
One thing my Grandfather said to me over and over again as a child is "Opinions are like assholes and elbows, everybody has one."
I've done the same,....its all cool,......vent done

....lets get back to normal....:cheers:8)
MeMike, I did have that beer(a guiness stout) and I do have a smile on face tonight:):) The wife went and picked up some bacon for blt's(I'm sure 360scamp is interested now!!)tonight. Was a great evening. Found out my daughter is coming back from Germany with my two grandsons on March 1'st.:):) I'm sitting down to watch a movie with my wife and son for the evening. E great day indeed, I kinda feel like a burden has been lifted from my chest. Thank you for all the support!!
Sometimes apologies aren't necessary , but if it makes a man feel better about himself then who am i to stand in his way. We knew what the effort was here and i didn't think it was an attempt to abuse anyone. "Pass Go and collect $200"
I dont see where an apology is necessary. You did not direct your response to anyone on here. Personally I would not have taken offense if you would have said "those freaking mopar idiots". I think we all knew you were speaking of the ones that caused the problem. AND HECK YEAH TAKE UP FOR WIFE. Good Luck, my friend.