my baby boy is here!!!!!!

Things have finally settled down a bit. We are getting a little more sleep and the visitors have mostly come and gone for now.

Evan is doing great!!!! Healthy and mellow. He's a pooping machine. WOW!!!! My wife and I both got peed on too. I guess that's how things go with a new born baby boy.

Mom is healing nicely but the feedings every two hours are wearing her out. WIth that said I have been really busy cleaning house, making most of the meals and keeping my 4 yr old occupied. Oh did I mention the wife's bazoombas have like doubled in size!!!! Lucky kid.

Anyway here is a couple pics. My 4 yr. old "the big sister" holding Evan. And the sleeping prince himself. I was the last male in my family so it was really a treat and a blessing to have a son. My daughter is really helping out a lot too. Her birthday is one day after Evan's. There must be something in the water in august. I tell ya. Having a camping weekend without kids at that time helps too. he he he The last pic is my lady and daughter in the hospital elevator getting ready for delivery.

Thank you all for the kind words. YOu guys ROCK!!!

Jimmy conrats and good luck with the new one on the way.

Mike - You are welcome on the heater box.

Waggs. You are the man!!!! Thanks Bro. Those nuts and bolts cleaned up really well.

Now if I could finish up my scamp there would really be nothing more that I would need in my life right now. All is good. Well if my back would heal up that would be nice too.

Anyway, thanks again guys.


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Congratulations :cheers::cheers:
I see you are a blest man for sure :angel8:
Thank you for posting these beautiful smiles :D