My drag strip

memike: Pretty cool! Oldest drag strip around? I thought that's what George said.
Cool, thanks for sharing, Mike
Hope you´ll have a great day at the track.
Hey memike I saw that on Tennessee Crossroads a few years back! That looks like a sweet thing to do on the weekend!
i like the building you drive through that looks like its gonna fall over. nice place though... maybe ill have to make a trip
Cool video memike & awesome history at George Ray's. God the narrow lanes & people so close to the track are scary.

That track looks like TONS of fun... however I dont think I would wanna go down it in any car faster than 10 seconds... I'd be to afraid to
Thanks Mikey, sure wish we had something like that around here. There are some lonely old roads out there that you can go out an make a couple of runs but there is always that fear that a kid or a dog or a deer might jump out in front of you, not to mention the RCMP. The closest track to me in Canada is a 1/8 just outside of Kelowna about 3.5 hours away and longer if you have a car on a trailer. Spokane Washington is about 3 hours, its a real nice place. Have never had my car on a track, one day I hope.
HAHA!!Ray,s Redneck Racing!!Cool vids. Memike,just what I needed before going to work!

Its been working real good for a lot of folks here, Get ready Saturday night and then after church get to George Rays :cheers: then be dun by 5pm.
HAHA!!Ray,s Redneck Racing!!Cool vids. Memike,just what I needed before going to work!

memike: Pretty cool! Oldest drag strip around? I thought that's what George said.
Yes he did and it's in the history books.

Them are the kind of tracks that I like!
If a day away from home and getting to enjoy a fun and historical place it is a blast, they set you in your class and just 7 dolors at the gate and race.
A great get away for me :-D And I think you would enjoy it.

Cool, thanks for sharing, Mike
Hope you´ll have a great day at the track.
I hope so to, If it don't rain or baby sitting I will be there, It will be my first time this year.

Hey memike I saw that on Tennessee Crossroads a few years back! That looks like a sweet thing to do on the weekend!
And it keeps the kids here busy building race car's and enjoying there cars more then the other junk in life.

they had a show on that place on horsepower tv
Yes they did, ESPN was there four a great show and we was so proud for George :love7:

I saw that show. :-D Looks like a good place to hang out.
You hit it on the head RC, I love the folks having a day and enjoying there family and car's together, I met Mark Martin there in 1977 and he was a little squirt with a trucking co hanging out with Cow Boys group a fast altered ride. You would fit right in and enjoy the cars and babe fellow ship :-D

That looks like a great way to spend the day :-D
It is always a good day there , even if you are not running, A good grill and a cooler is better than staying home some time's.:-D

i like the building you drive through that looks like its gonna fall over. nice place though... maybe ill have to make a trip
That would be the tower office and announcing booth.
It sure douse look that way but its all been safe and good or he would have been shut down a long time ago, I have seen an Opel jump on the fence on the right hand lane before, But no one was hurt.

Very nice memike. Have a good day at the track.
I hope so , Keep the rain back for me and I will get some pictures and video's :-D But I don't know hot to post Video yet.

Cool video memike & awesome history at George Ray's. God the narrow lanes & people so close to the track are scary.

Ain't that the truth :-D You take a risk every time you get to close to enjoy the tires and engine working.:-D But it sure is nice to feel and see it happen at 4 feet away.=P~

Cool place memike. Thanks for the vid.
Very welcome briankaplan, Old school at it's best.

That track looks like TONS of fun... however I dont think I would wanna go down it in any car faster than 10 seconds... I'd be to afraid to
I bet if you was there you would change your mind 8)
8,00 class is a blast and my fastest pass was a 7.02 and I wish I could do it again. I see where anyone would feel that way , But it all has been good for a long time.

Check out the firebird getting spanked by the smoking (literally) old school chevy pick-up at 2:00 .....funny
He has the set up going on, you set the right heads and gears and petal a bit it, It don't take much to spank a rookie there.:-D

Thanks Mikey, sure wish we had something like that around here. There are some lonely old roads out there that you can go out an make a couple of runs but there is always that fear that a kid or a dog or a deer might jump out in front of you, not to mention the RCMP. The closest track to me in Canada is a 1/8 just outside of Kelowna about 3.5 hours away and longer if you have a car on a trailer. Spokane Washington is about 3 hours, its a real nice place. Have never had my car on a track, one day I hope.
That is why George Ray is still going, he took a bunch of folks off the streets and gave them some where to enjoy drag racing.
Makes me think we should build and go with it in your area :cheers:
Thats good stuff!

Make's you wish you can dive a few miles just to get soome launch time.
and check your race car out, Then we can go to Memphis Motor speed way
Just 60 miles away. Yes it is all good :thumblef: