my little girl is getting used to her motorcycle..:)

berlin is about an hour south of there. i actually work near there.

My youngest is named Tyler, and he started on an XR80, then on to a 200R before he could reach the ground with both feet, and then to my XR500.
He was a crazy man on the 80 and the 200, and I don't know how many times I jumped up and ran to a pile of handlebars, tires, legs and elbows.
The kid was fearless, and would try anything.
He's pretty cautious on my XR, and has already mentioned how pissed he'll be if I get rid of it to anyone but him.

Funny how it's kind of the same story with two different Tylers.
Great pics and story Joe,She'll be big before you know it so spend every minute you can,My little girl turns 18 this week Thursday and we never did the bike thing but we are big into 4 wheelers and she's always the dirtiest one in the bunch-Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work on your children--Steve
We like to ride in Canada too ....


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Great pics and story Joe,She'll be big before you know it so spend every minute you can,My little girl turns 18 this week Thursday and we never did the bike thing but we are big into 4 wheelers and she's always the dirtiest one in the bunch-Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work on your children--Steve

lol.. thats awesome. when my boy was little he wanted a four wheeler. i told him he had to learn on a two wheeler first.

i hear ya bout them big so fast. it seemed like in a blink of my eyes my boy turned 19 this past january and rylee is 5 going on 6 already. its crazy..

i want her to be as active as possible. so far she hiked to the top of mt jo in the lake placid area, she is skiing at white face mt. and now getting used to the motorcycle. i didn't have the opportunity as a kid to do a lot of that stuff so i hope to get her exposed to it. want to take her camping this summer too. i think she will love that. just have to find time
It is a lot of fun! Bike sticks better on ice than dirt or pavement.

My brother has a KDX 50 which is the same as your Daughters JR, he ended up doing a few mods to it which he said made it a lot easier for his sons to ride. First he put on a much larger rear sprocket, he said the bike would go way to fast with the stock one, but it could not go up a small hill at slow speed. He also put on a FMF pipe and silencer for a bit of it looks cool.