My new next door member


But the burning question is: does the new neighbor's wife qualify for the "hot mopar babes" thread? :blob: :D

I would say..maybe. I haven't seen much of them but she is a sweet thing.

I could probably talk him into a burnout though. And the boat is my other neighbors toy. And the guy next street over has has sweet 67 GTO. Mint.
im drooling all the the way from wi. lucky i wish i had car loving folks near me all are tree huggers neighbor has a 67 Mustang that needs restoring, and with 3 young kids I dont think that is gonna happen any time soon!
He will be at fall fling. I don't know which car though. He says it runs hot going over the hill on the 405 into the valley. I told him so does mine. we will overheat together.

Car looks familiar. Has it been to a Spring or Fall Fling before?

IIRC, it was a very tough car to judge because it was a survivor. At national they don't judge them, the just have a survivor area run by the Mel Majors guy.