Nasty engine shake when overheated



Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2012
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Hey guys
Yesterday I went to a car show, and we got stuck is bad traffic for just about and hour. It was pretty hot out, and my temp got to about 200, half way to the car show. The engine reached 212 and stayed at that temp till I reached the show.

When I was pulling into the show at idle the engine was shaking extremely nasty. I could even feel it. Almost making a thudding sound.

After the show was over and cooler down , the shake was gone.

Can anyone chime in on what May have cause this shake from the high temps?

( I was at 210 for a length of 20mins in traffic.)
Temp makes a HUGE difference in ignition timing and an overheating engine WILL miss and run erratically. (kinda normal if overheating)
(Not usually at 210 though unless it was really crappy gas, or a failing electrical part like a coil or ignition module)
Todays fuels do not do well with high temps. If you can find someplace to buy real gas the car will run much better. If you have room to run a plastic or wood spacer under carb it would help. You are having vapor lock problems. I would bet car is hard to start when warmed up and shut off and restarted.
Like i said in your other post - 210 isn't hot. 220 is warm. 230+ is getting hot. It will only make it run different if the tune you have is on the edge of lean, and it's not a big deal.