need prayers for my 4 legged friend



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Grand Tetons
Hi Y'all

I my best buddy on 4 legs is up there in years. Sadie Mae is 10 people years old equates to 70 doggie years. I came home last night around 9pm from work kids are asleep, sadie normally sleeps with one of my kids every night. Well this morning i hear a loud yelp and she is walking down the hallway favoring her back legs really bad. I lay her on her side and carefully run her legs thru a full range of motion , check her pelvis, and tail, no yelps, but midway between her shoulder blades and pelvis in her spine she yelped and snapped a bit. Obviously a back injury. She doesnt have arthritis or anything like that. Grace said she had to pick up sadie and put her on the bed last night. She usually just jumps up there by herself.

Sadie has an appointment at 2:30 with the vet today. Im hoping she just needs an anti infammatory and some bed rest. I adopted her when she was one year old, and she has been my best friend for all these years. I hope she is ok. I know when the time comes for god to take her its gonna be rough on me, im just not ready for that. She is family .

Please pray for her that she is going to be alright. I love her so much.

Prayers sent out for your Sadie Mae Mat, about 3 years ago Boogy my over 14 year old Maltese had the same or almost the same problem, my vet said that this could have happened during her sleep or if she jumped down off of a piece of furniture.
As our little old friend sleep they dream and stretch as they are laying on there sides and throw there old back out just like us humans do, he gave us a 5 day pill (one time every day after eating or as she eats) and it made here sleepy :-| It tour me up seeing her not being her Boogy self but it went away after about 7 days, she moved around slow and scared me, but she came back to life and was jumping and barking at me to feed her :blob: :happy3:

Keep us updated and I hope this is behind her and you soon, I know how you feel bud :-|.
I hope you dog gets better soon. Sounds like something happened, on the jump down from the bed. It would be similar to a back problem like misalignment, stressed disk with muscle spasm that impacts a nerve.

Dogs are good healers. I do what is considered energy work. It involves very lightly placing hands, one hand at problem are the other at a adjacent major joint, dwell for a few minutes, then move to the next joint. In your case one hand near the shoulder blades, the other near hips, then move that hand to neck. Very light, just to contact the hair. You must be in a relaxed state to do this, it is about copacetic activity that relaxes the dogs muscles to stop the spasm. Your dog will likely understand, it might guide you with small tail wags to guide you to the proper locations.

You can also place the dog on the sofa, with dog on side back against the back of sofa. Place your hand between dogs and the sofa back starting at the neck, carefully work your fingers down the spine gently feeling the spine, if the dog becomes happy and uses its back legs to push against your hand, hold it there with fingers against what may seem like a bump in the spine. Let the dog do the work. These simple procedures are like first aid, that may help with immediate results, but the dog still needs to take it easy and heal. The light procedures also help in keeping the dog in tune. My dog wants me to work with it daily.
Prayers sent for Sadie. Hope it turns out to be a minor injury the way it sounds. Keep us updated please.
Prayers for Sadie Mae and family, from our pack to yours.
Larry & Kerry & Dodger, Maybelle and Henry.
im on it... now post up a pic of this 4 legged friend so we can se who we are all rooting for.
Never good when stuff like this happens.

I'm more concerned about them than I am myself.
Sorry to here about Sadie Mae. I will keep her and your family in my prayers. Hopefully the vet will give her some Prednesoine and it will clear up. We weren't quite as lucky with our 4 year old Lab. The same thing happened could not jump up on the bed went to vet. Three days later lost use of back legs. Back to vet and we were referred to nureosurgen. Things got very costly money wise. Mri showed up a blown disc in his back. Carol and I couldn't stand to put him down so it ate up are savings and then some but he walks and runs again a little sideways though. Funny to watch him run. Some people look at us like were crazy and maybe so but we would do it again. The dogs are pretty much in charge around here Lol.
My Beagle went through something like that at 5 yrs old. He was paralyzed from the "waste" down though. Hardest thing I had to do was put him to sleep. Prayers to your pup.
Prayers sent.I know how you feel, we have a 15yr old aussie that found in a rest area in arizona (also is her name) when she was only a puppy we have to help her get up all the time.its gonna hurt like hell when she leaves us.