Neighbor is a bucket head



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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We live in an area that has quite a few seasonal Coyotes. Have a neighbor that is a drunk. Last year, late at night Jim shot a neighbors dog. He was sitting in his living room and saw saw a silhouette. Instead of flipping on the lights ton verify he just slid a window open and fired. Ended up being Teddy, another neighbors pooch. Several thousand dollars later Teddy is up and running again, slightly worse for the wear. Bucket headseats dog ended up somehow with a dead squirrel. Was rolling on it, tossing it around. Bucket head took the dead critter and used it as bait in some sort of Coyote trap. Needless to say what happened to bucket heads dog. Bucket head and his wife are now locked in a war over taking the pooch to the vet.
Bucket head has nothing to lose by letting the Coyotes be. He locks his dog up at night...although it is pretty damn obvious he don't care about her. He has no chickens etc.
Bucket head....well....he is in his 70's. He still hunts...once every other year or so. This summer he went out and dropped 30k on a new fifth wheel and another 8k on a third atv. When he leaves for his hunting trips, which are normally at least 15 days, he leaves his wife with $75 for groceries and gas. Keep in mind a trip to the grocery store is 65 miles round trip...
He is as delusional as some folks.....
Sounds like my dip-sh*t neighbor, except that he doesn't have two pennies to rub together. Of course, he really doesn't need it because his mommy pays all of his bills. This guy is in his 50s. He used to have a job as a bread truck driver for a local Butternut bakery, but lost his job when he got a DUI in his work truck.
i'm not anti social, but I figure 3 mi. between me and my closest neighbor is almost too close!!!!? ha

shoot my dog, and you risk everything.
Somehow, I think we've heard about this neighbor before! I'm sure he is the one causing you all the trouble with the trees, if not you're surrounded by dipshits!!!
Somehow, I think we've heard about this neighbor before! I'm sure he is the one causing you all the trouble with the trees, if not you're surrounded by dipshits!!!

No, he is not the one with the trees. That guy is up the road a mile or so. Bucket head is a few parcels down the road.

Bucket head is a drunk. Simple as that. He is always telling me to stop by. Problem is he is a racist. And my wife is a Mexican. Growing up my mother was a hard core racist. I asked if she was in the KKK when my dad was stationed in Texas, she never would answer. Jim started spewing crap about Mexicans once when I was down visiting...I just walked.
Sounds like a selfish old bastard to me. (gas and grocery thing)
Being sure of your target is a cardinal rule of hunting too.

Lucky the dog wasn't between your house and his probably.
Yeah, I have Hispanics in my family also. One time I made a comment about illegal immigrants and was told that I was racist by a co-worker who was Mexican. When I showed him pictures of my nephews, darker complexion than him, I asked who was racist then since I have relatives that can speak, read and even write in Spanish. Shut him up. So yeah, when my neighbor makes those kind of comments I give him examples of why I don't agree with his thinking. To hell with him. I LIKE my neighbors that work hard, and mind their own business, and keep their kids from being unruly. THOSE are the neighbors I like.