


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Did my annual trip to town with LeRoy today. He is a neighbor down the road. He uses a pellet stove for heat. Once a year a retailer puts the brand of pellets we burn on sale so I hook up the car trailer and take him to pick up what ever he needs. I know he is not a spring chicken, I found out today that he is 77 years old. He insists on doing the bulk of the lifting......He gave me a bunch of grief for not calling him to help me unload my 4 tons. I picked up another ton today for us, LeRoy told me he will be down tomorrow in the A.M. to help me unload it. He told me today he is planning on living to be 100.....he is healthy enough to make it...

Every day he gets on his bicycle and rides up several hills to go get the news papers. He delivers ours to us daily. Next week he wants me to go town with him to pick up some 6x6's and trusses so he can rebuild his gazebo. I asked him if he was going to need my help with it and he told me no, just wants me to help him pick everything up.
lol they have a fire that no one can put out... just like my great uncle till the second he passed...
lol they have a fire that no one can put out... just like my great uncle till the second he passed...

LeRoy is up at 6 every day. He owns two old planes. He restores old sleds, the horse drawn type. Told me today that Liz, his wife, is on him about slowing down and smelling the roses. He told her that he is not old enough to slow down yet.....
Tell his wife to leave him be, slowing down will do him in quicker than anything. Seen it numerous times, man retires, sits down and he's done in a year or two. My Dad is 84 and currently putting a new motor in his 4x4 Ramcharger. The one with 4" of lift and 35's lol.........
Very cool. Just be sure he takes joint and calcium supplements. Bones go before will power.
That's funny Doug, you know my Dad's the same way, always building things and coming up with new projects and he's 77 also. They are driven by something inside themselves.
Sounds like my Father -in-Law rest his soul.At 87 he bought a piece of land in the mountains of Colorado and built a cabin on it for the most part by his self.He was a tough old fart that flipped houses before flipping them was a business.Have pictures of him on an old Indian Motorcycle at the shop his Brother and him ran.
It's all a combo of LUCK, GENES, and "good living." My uncle recently passed away at 86 or so. Unlike me, he had NO joint pain or arthritis. He died working some wood on his IHC crawler. Family found him after he didn't come home lying beside the cat. massive heart attack.
I knew a guy like that. I worked with him in a small town machine shop. Although I was hired as the "manager" I never stepped on his toes. Always let him run it. He was a retired WWII aircraft machinist. Forgot more about machine work than I'll ever know. I was 25 at the time. He was probably about 70 or so. 6'7" and 300 pounds. None of it fat. I would not have jumped on him with two of me.....and I was a mean mudder skudder back then. He always talked about how he had heart bypass surgery a few years prior. Said after the surgery, his wife stayed sore all the time. LOL He was a real cool old dude. What is it with old guys and planes? He owned a Piper Cub J3 he restored every nut and bolt on.
Old guys rule! Our local paper just did a write up / interview with a man who just turned 106. He is surprisingly agile and sharp witted. He recalls working in the fields as a young man, with a horse drawn plow. His dad bought the first car in town. It was a Metz. Throttle was on the dash, he accidentally drove thru the back of the garage, said the dang thing wouldn't "whoa"!

I would absolutely LOVE to get to know this ol guy. It would be great to listen to his stories. Can you imagine the things he has seen in his lifetime, the new advances in science and technology?
LeRoy is indeed a blast to talk to. He has told his wife to just let him be, sitting around doing nothing is just not his thing. One of his planes is 5 years younger than he is. He was an FAA inspector for years, both crash and mechanical. Still does all his own plane maintenance. I need to get down to his place sometime soon, I asked about him teaching me how to safety wire, he is patiently waiting for me to get down there.