neighbors hate me

Be careful pissing them off. I know a guy that had to get rid of all of his old cars. His new neighbor complained for just a couple of months to the guy. Eventually EPA got evolved. In order to keep his cars, he would have had to pave the woods where the cars were, put drip pans under the engines, transmissions, and differentials of all the cars. He would have also had to put emergency spill station on his property as well. He could not afford any of that, so the dozen cars he had went. A several weeks later, he built a pig pin right on the property line about 25-30 yards from the neighbors house. To this day he still has the pigs. I bet the neighbor wishes he had never complained.

Ha! That is a funny story. The sad thing is that the EPA and people bitching in your neighborhood can and will shut you down. Plus to most people, their only hobby is keeping their property and neighborhood lookin presentable. That is their "hot rod" so their view of a way of life is completely different from a person that likes to have sweet old mopars and big a$$ engines for lawn ornaments. It would have been funny if that guy paved his land and put up a 1 foot containment wall and sump. The hogs were a nice touch though.

It is such a bit%c dealing with close proximity when your hobbies require a little American freedoms. I had been living in the city for 15+ years and it just cramped my style so much. I worked towards getting out in the hills.

Be careful pissing them off. I know a guy that had to get rid of all of his old cars. His new neighbor complained for just a couple of months to the guy. Eventually EPA got evolved. In order to keep his cars, he would have had to pave the woods where the cars were, put drip pans under the engines, transmissions, and differentials of all the cars. He would have also had to put emergency spill station on his property as well. He could not afford any of that, so the dozen cars he had went. A several weeks later, he built a pig pin right on the property line about 25-30 yards from the neighbors house. To this day he still has the pigs. I bet the neighbor wishes he had never complained.

When I lived in AZ there was an law in the books about parking on improved surfaces. Got more than 1 ticket for it. If such a law exists in your city/county drip pans will do next to nothing for you. Be careful how far you push, you neighbor very well might contact the EPA or the local board of health and be the one laughing......
hoarder ok i think im getting called out now wow i was thinking that was going to happen just fyi....i do not keep the cars i bring them in part them out and crush them 1/2 the cars here are not mine any way..... i have one on its way to the scrap yard now

You should go out side and take a picture of your property and post it here.

Basically, :worthles:
Good thing you don't live by my mom in Owasso. She would be your worst nightmare.
lol say hi to ur mom ....... its not as bad as U guys are thinking the grass is cut weed eated around all the cars ..there is a flat bed with all my parts on it .two cars have been took off since this thing was started one more soon the guys coming to get it bro came out and helped me , well I watched him ...
Ultimately, you are responsible to keep up your property. If your neighbors are keeping their property presentable, and your house is the eye sore, you are having an adverse effect on their property values. Whether that bothers you, or not, really doesn't matter. Keeping up your property just goes to being a good neighbor.

I have 3 cars, 3 pick ups, 1 van, and 1 hobby car all registered and insured, plus 3 parts cars, and a plethora of body and mechanical parts. None of the parts cars or the parts are visible from the street, or from any of my neighbors back porches.

I live in a gated neighborhood, and there are a lot of gear heads living in the neighborhood, too. We've simply found ways of enjoying our hobbies without shitting up the neighborhood, or pissing off the neighbors, with little, if any inconvenience to ourselves.

It's certainly a free country, and you have the right to do things your way, as long as you aren't violating any laws or ordinances, but, at some point you have to ask yourself is pissing off the neighbors, refusing to work with them, and simply decorating your house with junk is a good plan. It's your decision to be a good neighbor or not. :dontknow:

You just have to wanna.
well im not violating any laws or ordinances we dont have any here i have been have knee troubles for bout 8 years i let the yard go just trying to live no i dont like the way it looks but slowly im fixing that but its for me
well im not violating any laws or ordinances we dont have any here i have been have knee troubles for bout 8 years i let the yard go just trying to live no i dont like the way it looks but slowly im fixing that but its for me

Have you asked the neighbors for some help due to your handicap? I'm pretty sure if you asked them they'd be willing to give you a hand. It would fix a number of things, not the least of which would be your relationship with them, and probably your reputation in the neighborhood.

Even if they could get it all done, you be surprised at the good will your generate by asking for help, and maybe throwing in a case of beer and some burgers and hot dogs for their efforts.

The only thing it could hurt is your pride, and maybe, if you made a friendly gesture toward them, they'd reciprocate. What have you got to lose, besides a mess, a bad rep, and some pissed off neighbors who you claim hate you?
Pretty dang good advice I believe. I have had some amazing things happen when I use the attitude "it doesn't hurt to ask". Particularly if a person goes about it with the right attitude.

At least you dont have this bad *** mother in your yard. Yeaaaa!

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪V1 Argus Pulsejet what a sound‬‏[/ame]
well it relly one neighbor that hates me theres one up the steet but he hate me for not selling to him i mite try that i was just starting to think u was a prick lol show how much i know thank i never lookedat it that way when i can i will see if they would like to help
Pretty dang good advice I believe. I have had some amazing things happen when I use the attitude "it doesn't hurt to ask". Particularly if a person goes about it with the right attitude.

At least you dont have this bad *** mother in your yard. Yeaaaa!

YouTube - ‪V1 Argus Pulsejet what a sound‬‏
I made a pulse-jet out of 3 inch threaded pipe (main tube/combustion chamber) and 2 inch pipe (exhaust tube) total length about 3 feet long with all store bought pieces . The valve is Top Secret though !

Anyway when my Bro and I ran out of propane bottles to run it on I had this brain storm......"Hey, I wonder how Loud it would be on Actylene+Oxygen".....Hmmmm ?

This thing was so powerful it immediately destroyed the valve in a 1 or 2 second burst and was at least as loud as a Top fuel dragster .
I imagine it sounded something like firing off 200 rounds from a gattling gun on an AC130 gunship.

After it self-destructed we frantically shut the garage and the whole operation down anticpating the swift arrival of law enforcement (who fortunately never showed up) !!!
well it relly one neighbor that hates me theres one up the steet but he hate me for not selling to him i mite try that i was just starting to think u was a prick lol show how much i know thank i never lookedat it that way when i can i will see if they would like to help

Some people have called me worse names, lol. I simply think that if yo show your neighbors that you give a crap about them and their property values, and that you're not a prick, they'll come around and lend you a hand. Who knows, one of them might have some car issues down the road, and you might be able to help them out some time.

Most people are just folks, and usually if you offer your hand in friendship they will do the same.
I made a pulse-jet out of 3 inch threaded pipe (main tube/combustion chamber) and 2 inch pipe (exhaust tube) total length about 3 feet long with all store bought pieces . The valve is Top Secret though !

Anyway when my Bro and I ran out of propane bottles to run it on I had this brain storm......"Hey, I wonder how Loud it would be on Actylene+Oxygen".....Hmmmm ?

This thing was so powerful it immediately destroyed the valve in a 1 or 2 second burst and was at least as loud as a Top fuel dragster .
I imagine it sounded something like firing off 200 rounds from a gattling gun on an AC130 gunship.

After it self-destructed we frantically shut the garage and the whole operation down anticpating the swift arrival of law enforcement (who fortunately never showed up) !!!

Crossram, even outside the "shark tank" you're a hell-of-a-guy! :notworth: :thumblef:
