neighbors hate me

ugg i feel you! I don't have alot of land in my neighbrohood but I do have 3/4 of an acre with an aerobic septic system. Apparently it was a poorly managed septic system that caused alot of problems before I bought the house. The house was being rented to some "illegals" who were more afraid to call someone incase they got caught rather than fix it.

Long story short,(not really short) one of my backyard neighbors is a retired crotcihity old man with nothing to do other than tend his huge garden in his backyard which is directly on the chainlink fence line between our propertys. Well since I moved in my house about 1 1/2 ago, i have spent over $2000 on my septic mainly because of him. He bitches everytime my sprinklers go off, or anything that he feels is wrong. So he instead of calling me, directly calls the County Health Department to report anything he can. Now Granted it did need some work in the begining, but now it functions absolutley normaly, but he thinks he knows all the laws but he really does not. Yesterday I got a voicemail from him saying that my sprinklers went on at 9am, and luckially it wasn't a windy day because It would have got on his plants....... I hate to tell him, if it is windy at 12 am when it usually goes off, overspray will float over to his plants. And the timer to go off then is a courtesy, not a law! But the best thing about it all is the fact that I spent $300 on a chlorinator that with the use of bleach completley santitzes the output water...... Im so tired of his bitching that as soon as I get the extra cash, Im going to put up a 6 foot fence all around my property. Im completly sick of all the fuss!
Sooner or later country ordinances will screw up your hobby stockpile, country or not.

Everywhere you go the noose tightens and city-like restrictions start to sprawl into the more rural areas as neighbors move in.

My county used to be cool, lotsa old cars in yards and such lotsa farms, but as the real estate grew, so did the ordinances to the point where if you even have a car parked with no tag in your yard, you get some fool to rat on you, then comes some fat *** donut eatin' country boy telling you you need to get your vehicle registered as he spits chew on your driveway.
Or if you have a dog tied in the yard (like we've done for centuries) so it won't run off, you get warnings, fines because it's illegal to tie your fuggin dog now because some asswipe's dumb *** dog hung himself somewhere up in liberalville or something ten years ago while chasing a cat.

But they will sure let them develop every inch of property in the county until there not a patch of grass left.

Yep I have a friend with scrap yard here in California. Lot of old cars being sold cheap because the local code enforcement is putting down the law on property owners to remove junk cars.
I live in a neighborhood where everyone keeps their yards like a showplace and the whole subdivision is only 3 years old. I have my finished car in the driveway and my Barracuda in the garage but when painting time comes and I roll the car out into my "outdoor paintbooth" the neighbors are peeking through their shades. Never had a complaint though, the only overspray is on my own driveway so far. Looks kind of cool, a Barracuda shaped pink shadow on my driveway. The wife wants me to clean it off but it is single stage polyurethane and the only it is coming off is with the next ice age. :razz:
I got one for ya.... My wife and kids and I are moving soon, we bought a new flat screen tv and got rid of the old entertainment center as it was old and falling apart.... I slid it out of the living room onto our covered front porch until I could get help loading it into my truck to the dump. It was a rainy week so the entertainment center sat on the porch for a week.... Here is what I found under the wiper arm of my truck parked in front of our house.


  • note.jpg
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I got one for ya.... My wife and kids and I are moving soon, we bought a new flat screen tv and got rid of the old entertainment center as it was old and falling apart.... I slid it out of the living room onto our covered front porch until I could get help loading it into my truck to the dump. It was a rainy week so the entertainment center sat on the porch for a week.... Here is what I found under the wiper arm of my truck parked in front of our house.

How did you respond? Been me a Recliner and the old tv would be outside too with a cooler of beer. That would get to the person who wrote the note.
I got one for ya.... My wife and kids and I are moving soon, we bought a new flat screen tv and got rid of the old entertainment center as it was old and falling apart.... I slid it out of the living room onto our covered front porch until I could get help loading it into my truck to the dump. It was a rainy week so the entertainment center sat on the porch for a week.... Here is what I found under the wiper arm of my truck parked in front of our house.

Your wife probably did that to get the damn thing off the porch. lol
How did you respond? Been me a Recliner and the old tv would be outside too with a cooler of beer. That would get to the person who wrote the note.

Funny you should ask, since we are moving I have a lot of "extra" stuff :) I piled it on the front yard and took a black magic marker and wrote on the back of the entertainment center.. "Is this GHETTO enough for ya"?
Funny you should ask, since we are moving I have a lot of "extra" stuff :) I piled it on the front yard and took a black magic marker and wrote on the back of the entertainment center.. "Is this GHETTO enough for ya"?
LMAO!! That's perfect!
well I started this didn't think any one would even look lol but just so U know I have been having knees going in and out so I have let the yard go alittle and one guy asked when they moved in yes there was bout 6 or 7 that U could see im starting to clean it all up and put it in the back the cities getting to close for me put like I said I was here 1st if they don't like it move its like me moving in some where and telling some one to clean there place up im not a a$$ hole if they had asked and not told me to do it I most likely would have done it the rest the the neighbors like me and come to see what I drug home now loll
like I said I was here 1st if they don't like it move its like me moving in some where and telling some one to clean there place up

I agree with you there.. hell, years ago some people bought houses on the flight path at our international airport (because they were cheaper) then successfully petitioned to have the airport closed at night! At least thats been changed back.. but yep.. thats the way it is.

I have neighbors who get down on there hands and knees to trim the grass with scissors!!! When I moved in I painted the front and one side of my house before it got too cold, one old fart behind asked if they wern't good enough to look at new paint? I told him a 4" brush would fit his hand! I tore down the house next to me and have a lot of building material laying around I did not use to build my garage - I get the hairy eyeball about that - but I have a building permit so the cops said they can't cite me!!! I also bought a 1949 Ford 8n tractor with a lift on the front and a rusty 1952 Henry Backhoe to rebuild to hang on it. They are both in my driveway - that drives them insane. My two Cudas, 95 BMW M-3 and my F-150 take up the garage, so they will just have to live with the farm implements!! Wait till it snows - I can't waqit for one of them to ask me to dig them out!!!
I agree with you there.. hell, years ago some people bought houses on the flight path at our international airport (because they were cheaper) then successfully petitioned to have the airport closed at night! At least thats been changed back.. but yep.. thats the way it is.

how about building a subdivision of million dollar homes on a mountain across the streeet from one of Canada's oldest Speedways then complaining about the noise of the cars every weekend from march till november , What the hell did you tools think that big Western Speedway sign on the road across from the entrance to your new sub-division meant lol
What Do Ya Think About That

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Montgomery Gentry - What Do Ya Think About That‬‏[/ame]
LOL my neighbors hate me to but only after I told them that I would not sell my 1938 Cheby PU to them. The war has been on for the last seven years. I have 7 old cars RV Simi trailer and some other junk in my back yard you can not see unless you look over to see. County was just here a month ago and said looks good to them as he wiped the drool from his chin looking at my cars. If they did not like it why did they move next to me. I was here first.
Lucky you don't live here! The By-Law Guy would make you clean it up! Only plated cars/trucks allowed.I would have a driveway full if I could! lol.

Craig, look into getting your Crown Land Patent Grant. Then you can tell the by-law to take a hike. Read this article.

Our local talk radio station in Ottawa CFRA, has a host that's been going on about the land patent grant for awhile now and has had Liz Marshall on a couple of times. Liz travels all across Canada informing municipalities about the Crown Land Patent Grant.

For those in the USA, do you have anything similar?



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Had an a-hole neighbor in AZ. Got a "love letter" from them saying the cops were going to be called if I did not do someting about my Coonhounds. I was working 12 hour days at the time and they do bark alot. I went and got a couple of crates and it solved the problem. Had another neighbor tell me who wrote the note. My choppers pipes are about a foot long, so bellowing flames and back firing/popping is a way of life. Everytime they had a pool party I would ride around the 'hood on it, slamming the throttle shut right in front of there house. Would come home from work at 2 a.m. and be full throttle coming down the road and slam the throttle shut. Other neighbor was a gear head, he used to take his 550 hp Lemans out and give them a bit of a smoke show.....
Don't have those troubles around here. Driveway is a 1/4 mile dirt. Sign at the paved road reads, "Trespasser will be shot, survivors will be shot again, if you are reading this, YOU ARE IN RANGE!"

OOPS...posted same thing in 2 different I got a brick in da head or something