New Fiat based jeep..

I agreed with Seth here Go home Jeep, your drunk
There is just some things that shoud not be attempted..
I will add this my own words = Yuck !! and take the Jeep grill off that toy :protest:
Face it boys,, the end is near.....................
I think it's a fake. The Renegade was a package on the CJ (Wrangler). The Jeep faithful will storm Chrysler with torches and pitchforks if this is true. But maybe that's what they need.
Face it boys,, the end is near.....................

The end of what? Chrysler? The Chrysler Corporation ceased to exist in 1998 when Daimler Benz bought it. In fact, if you really want to get down to brass tax, you could say that Chrysler officially ended in 1979 when they were bailed out by the government....the first time around. Chrysler never stood on its own since. Certainly you could pronounce it dead in 1998.
and you thought the Compass proved they were off course.
The new Cherokee is already Fiat based. It's also uglier than a war wound.

You said it. Where the hell did they come up with that front end? Not only that, front wheel drive? I know the smaller ones were fwd, but putting the cherokee on fwd platform is dumb. To me the front looks like a frog.
The thing is, they are selling the hell out of those new Cherokees. The interior is pretty nice actually. They have sold at least 10k of them a month. That's a pretty big success.

It would have been fine if they called it something other than a Cherokee...and changed the front end to not emulate a nissan juke
The "new Jeep Renegade" looks like a rent-a-car in a foreign country, Thailand maybe.
Look at the cube and x and what ever else the younger group is buying

Ugly seems to be in
The end of what? Chrysler? The Chrysler Corporation ceased to exist in 1998 when Daimler Benz bought it. In fact, if you really want to get down to brass tax, you could say that Chrysler officially ended in 1979 when they were bailed out by the government....the first time around. Chrysler never stood on its own since. Certainly you could pronounce it dead in 1998.
True story...but there was no funeral...
I think if I ever own a Fiat, and I won't, might's well .........................

I like my AMC/Jeep based Jeep. It's a rectangle...

It has rectangle lights, a rectangle engine and costs less green rectangles.
The end of what? Chrysler? The Chrysler Corporation ceased to exist in 1998 when Daimler Benz bought it. In fact, if you really want to get down to brass tax, you could say that Chrysler officially ended in 1979 when they were bailed out by the government....the first time around. Chrysler never stood on its own since. Certainly you could pronounce it dead in 1998.

Actually if you know your chrysler history well enough back when iacocca took the reigns at chrysler and turned it around he never asked for a b@il out. A bail out would suggest free government cash that would not have to be paid back.

On the contrary, he went in front of a government panel several times to make the case for a loan from the government which had to be payed back with interest. He had to prove that chrysler would use the money wisely and develop fuel efficient cars etc. i believe the first of these loans started sometime in 1981

In 1985 chrysler paid back the entirety of the loan and interest owed the the federal government in one large check. Supposedly nobody had never done this before and they didnt know how to cash it. Being the government is money hungry im sure they quickly figured out a way tho.
I seem to recall that Chrysler was the only one of the big three that met overall-fleet-fuel-economy government requirements by the deadline back in the day under L.I. leadership. After Furd and Chebby failed the powers that be extended the deadline. This infuriated L.I. as the redesign and retooling was a major contributor to Chrysler’s monetary woes. I believe that was the birth of the k-car. My memory may be wrong so somebody please let me know.
Actually if you know your chrysler history well enough back when iacocca took the reigns at chrysler and turned it around he never asked for a b@il out. A bail out would suggest free government cash that would not have to be paid back.

On the contrary, he went in front of a government panel several times to make the case for a loan from the government which had to be payed back with interest. He had to prove that chrysler would use the money wisely and develop fuel efficient cars etc. i believe the first of these loans started sometime in 1981

In 1985 chrysler paid back the entirety of the loan and interest owed the the federal government in one large check. Supposedly nobody had never done this before and they didnt know how to cash it. Being the government is money hungry im sure they quickly figured out a way tho.

This is the truth that I was told and remembered seeing years ago, we did pay back our loans Period !! Thank you for chiming in on this, this is what I recall and herd :glasses7:
whatever it takes to keep people employed and company profitable ... we do not want another down turn in economy ..
whatever it takes to keep people employed and company profitable ... we do not want another down turn in economy ..

Assuming the down turned economy is over?? Or do you mean adding to it or? I'll just say you were kidding, and hope that's the truth!