New Thing added to the fords



I'm a pretty big deal
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Laquey missouri
well this isnt really a joke sjut a ford thing

Did you know there added heating pads to there tailgates of thier trucks its so when they breka down your hand's wont get cold when you gotta pushem in the snow:toothy7:
Huh,my '01 Ford has'nt let me down once,can't say the same for anyone i know that owns a Dodge of the same year..frontends falling out,transmissions crapping out ect. ect....
oh geez... they all have there problems... try working at a Ford dealer you will see alot of there problems too.... basically....all manufacturers are the same... producing JUNK!

every thing new is crap,dont believe me,get at job at the local dealer in your area that sales a lot of different makes,youll see what im talking about.They may look better,the the craftsmanship sucks!
Never needed anything like that in my '76 F250. Gave it to my son with probably 180,000 miles on the clock hauling first a camper and then a 32' 5th wheel and the heads had never been off. Had to replace several water pumps, and replaced the timing chain once. Other than that, it just kept on going like the battery bunny! My son finally junked it after an accident and probably another 50K miles. Now he drives some little econobox and misses the truck! Just doesn't miss the old 460 mileage of 8-10 mpg no matter what.
i work in a small shop and work on anything that comes in i could not even begain to tell someone what kind of car or truck to buy these days i think they are all junk any more, just my opinion
I think trucks where built better in the late 60's and early 70's.:bootysha:
Around here you see the farmers work with dodge and ford,
and they will all tell you the chebbie will not hold up though the stuff they put the dodge and fords though8)

But if you look at there house where they live
they have a chebby at home
for the wife and going out on the town with:profilel:,
Think I'll just stick with my old Ford-300 6 cyl. I love my A-bodies,but m/o,Ford used to build the best trucks. Can't say as I want any of the new ones,regardless of make.
My company pick up is a 03 F150, just rolled over 100,000. Only time it's been in the shop was for front brake pads. One of my co-workers has the same kind of truck and it's been nothing but trouble. I'll have to check and see if his is one with the hand warmers on the tailgate! LOL