NGK Part number

I have seen that before even with the recommended plug.
Some people put two washers on them for that exact reason.

Was chatting with my dad earlier and he thought of the same thing bill did. Large chunk of carbon in the cylinders and slapped around a few plugs. His thought was to pull a plug and start it and let it try to blow it out the plug port. Doing this one cylinder at a time.
Chuck,The carbon build up on the piston and valves and it not a chunk rolling around....

Video Link:

MOPAR Combustion Chamber Cleaner, 13 Oz. Aerosol Can

Granddad aparently had this problem with an old chevy cheyenne years back and went so far as to tear the motor apart. he found a chunk from either the valve or piston sitting on top the cylinder. I dont know how that is as it was before i became a twonkle on moms eye lol. thats what made me think back to what bill said. that Sounds like carb cleaner? I'll get a can of b-12 while I'm at the parts house tomorrow getting plugs and see what happens. Phoenix has a dr appt Monday. So I have to be able to drive my truck dice they will be in Durango all day
Carb cleaner is not enough...

Google :
How to De-Carbon Head & Combustion Chambers?
Carb cleaner is not enough...

Google :
How to De-Carbon Head & Combustion Chambers?

Well damn. It was a nice thought anyway. Thanks for the links too Martin. I appreciate that. I'm gonna go google that real quick before bed. 4:30 comes earlier than I'd like
Cleaned the combustion chambers per instructions. Stinky exhaust but not much help. Took it to a shop for diagnosis and apparently the TBI needs rebuilt and injectors need replaced... Going to get more details Monday evening when I pick up the truck