Nick name thread and why



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Jan 8, 2006
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After seeing burgmopar thread this gave me an idea for a new and cool thread to get us threw this nasty winter , could be JMO, But :coffee2: we all have them I bet :toothy1:
So what it some of the nick names you have picked up in life's travels ?

Me first Mr. Haynee :toothy1:
Why = well everyone around me, family and friends know if they need anything
all they have to do is call :-D, I will get them or find it for them, but I don't think Mr. Haynee did the repairs I did back in the day so I will add Mr.Haynee + to it.

Ok, lets see what nick names our members have been tagged with in life :cheers:
Well actually my nick name is Norton. Given to me, I believe in the late 60s maybe early 70s. from the TV show, The Honeymooners, with Jackie Gleason and Art Carney.
Well actually my nick name is Norton. Given to me, I believe in the late 60s maybe early 70s. from the TV show, The Honeymooners, with Jackie Gleason and Art Carney.
I remember it well norton, Jackie was a bus driver and I think Norton worked the city sewer system, not real sure on Norton job, but I think I am right 8)
Why Norton, I am thinking you must be funny and slender :-D
Back in the late eighties early nineties I was known as "flathead" for an old motorcycle I was riding , and still have, during those days. Dont hear it much anymore. Only a few guys left from that group of hooligans and I live about an hour away now.
ive been called the roamin gnome, during winter months I tend to grow a beard and kinda ressemble the Travelocity gnome in his younger days
When I was at the Post Office in AZ the one of the ET's gave me the name Doctor Destructo...every stamp canceling machine I got on suffered damage of some sort. The old Micro Mark is where it started. Had this little part called a dog bone. Took a good hour to replace it. Then another 10 minutes of tweaking to get it running. Mechanic had not even got his tools all put away and he had to replace it a second time.
I remember it well norton, Jackie was a bus driver and I think Norton worked the city sewer system, not real sure on Norton job, but I think I am right 8)
Why Norton, I am thinking you must be funny and slender :-D

Your right he was a sewer worker.
I was (am) a bit of a comedian. One day my then future father in-law was watching the honeymooners and I started to joke with him. and as he really liked the show and wanted to watch he became a little upset and yelled
FOR F!@# SAKES NORTON SIT DOWN. Been Norton ever since. It's caught on so well my own parents called me Norton, when they were still alive. Hell my second wife even calls me Norton.
My sister's family calls me OMJ. "Old Man Johnson". I guess I'm getting grumpy sometimes but I think I'm pretty nice guy.

Our lawn is about 100 yards from the road but if any kids come onto it, I'm definitely yelling at them to get off of it.
After high school the group of friends I had at the time used to play a lot of sand volleyball when the weather here would permit. I have never been a very athletic person. I was more of the tall and skinny nerd type growing up. Hanging out with the folks that I did after high school changed that to some degree. While I was about average at most of the sports they taught me how to play I still wasn't very graceful. Volleyball became one of my favorites. Even tho I had gotten pretty good at it they all said that I flopped around oddly when ever I would dive for the ball. And one day one of the guys started singing the theme song to the show Flipper. Ever since that day the nickname Flipper stuck. They would never let it go, which was fine with me I just made what fun out of it I could.
No nick names that people have called me to my face.:D
So I don't know of any.
Other than some cute variations on my last name over the years that people have used in passing.
That type of thing is common to many people though.
As a kid my nick name was "Chick". It's a play off of my last name. Had at all through grammar school and high school, Even had in on my sports uniforms.

Some how it didn't follow me into college. At Rutgers it became Frank,Frankie, or FrankieC. For a few years in the family and sometimes t this day, I'm called "Spanky", because it rhymes with Frankie, and my sister was screwing around with that old "Name game song.
I remember it well norton, Jackie was a bus driver and I think Norton worked the city sewer system, not real sure on Norton job, but I think I am right 8)
Why Norton, I am thinking you must be funny and slender :-D

You're right Memike, Ed Norton, was a sewer worker. lol, Ralph (jackie Gleason) was a city bus driver.

Norton, your time frame is a little off. The Honeymooners was originally aired in the 1950. by the 60's and 70's it was well into it's rereun life, and still is!

Great Show.
You're right Memike, Ed Norton, was a sewer worker. lol, Ralph (jackie Gleason) was a city bus driver.

Norton, your time frame is a little off. The Honeymooners was originally aired in the 1950. by the 60's and 70's it was well into it's rereun life, and still is!

Great Show.

Probably were reruns, I was around 17 at the time. So I didn't have much time for TV. Only cars and girls. And not necessarily in that order. All I can say is that's where my nickname came from.
In the restaurant business I was known as "Mr. G-off", in the biker circles I was known as "F" or "Candyman", most of the time now I get called "Broman"! Since my full name is Geoffrey, I used to get called Goofrey, Godfrey, Gary, and people who don't even know I have a brother named Greg will often call me Gregory! Nobody that sees the full spelling of my real name ever calls me Jeff!!
In middle school I was fat%&@ and koolaid, never understood the latter.

My strawberry blonde hair earned me the name big red in early highschool days.

For a short while in high school, I was d#$%head, my best friend was d#$%wad and our thirdwheel friend wanted a d#$%name so he became trickyd#$%nixon.

In my last years of high school, I was lipscm which is the way folks in the south pronounce my last name which is lipscomb.
Oh yeah and also before our group had d#$%names, I was doctor johnson, my friend was johnson doctor and thidwheel friend was johnson doctor johnson.

Kids reading this, underage drinking is very bad.
Jack is the nickname most call me.
Jackie is what most of my brothers and sisters call me.
Coke was a name given to me while I was a teen because I turned the colour of coke every summer.
Coyote Jack because of my hunting exploits when I was a little younger.

In boy scouts at summer camp we showered in groups, I got tagged as "meat". Not many still around that call me that.
Well, Nella probably has more nicknames than any other person I know, and she's only 15! Her real name is Genelle, so Nella is actually a nickname, along with "Pickles", "Twinkie", and maybe her most famous..."The little girl who didn't like good food"!!
Petes a nickname. When I was young and piping houses a couple guys started calling me Peter Piper. After numerous threats to kick their asses they shortened it down to Pete just to irritate me. I spent more time on the job than at home and so many heard it before long everybody was calling me Pete. It stuck.
My newest is "Kristen",my friends including my husband Charlie say I am like her since I am a redhead that likes to devour anything I like.It was this commercial is the reason why: [ame=""]M&M'S "Devour" Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

My grandmother used to call me sweetie and I hated it.Thought I was a sweet little girl and not.My mother used to call me Alex,did not like it at all either.Thought of calling me this making easier to call me out.