Not a MOPAR but stolen car alert!!!

It sucks when somebodies ride gets stolen. I hate almost every mustang, except the GT 350. Poor guy
South of Atlanta, no suprize there.

I would check behind every crack house in the immediate area.

Anyways, I am sharpening the spikes in my baseball bat right now and will keep my eyes peeled.
I hit the thread and I got nothing on a stolen car, all I seen was stuff that is Offensive term for a person of Irish or Scottish descent.
I will try it again
I will keep an eye on the tailors and back road shops in my araea.
I would like to be the one that finds it, I don't see very many 68 fast backs around here, but if one shows up I will take notice JR.:spiderma:
it's the thieves of the world that makes our insurance so high :bootysha:
I wish I had Joe Manix's licence and ability.