Not just any cat...

I share your pain as just last month I had to put down my best friend of 17 years. Don't ever feel bad for morning the loss of an animal. I still cry over my friend going to RAINBOW BRIDGE to wait for me to come get her and make our way to the Promised Land. Get your family together and go to Rainbow Bridge website and your heart will find peace. May your burden be lightened and peace enter your heart after reading where your loved one is now. Yes my man old men have thin skin but that leads to a larger heart. I WILL PRAY TO LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD. DUSTERDOWNS
Sorry to here about your loss wild. It is never easy to lose a friend, and I can empathize with your feelings over peekaboo. Pets bring us joy, and their personalities bring out the best in us. We're a three cat and two dog family at present, and losing one of them will be tough on all of us, that's for sure.

I'm so sorry to hear that, the pain is just like loosing a family member, it hurts for quite a long while. It's ok to let yourself feel like crap, it's part of the healing, take care.

Here's my lttle buddy, I just had back surgery so i had to have lots of naps, Chico would always join me.

Thanks everyone.
It's only been a couple days and we already see the trouble her sister squeak is having, a lot of her routine includes her sister peeky. She hops on the bathroom sink for water but does not drink and just sits and waits...for her sis peeky. Squeak is also not using the food bowl anymore and will only treats or maybe a lil kibble outta our hands. We put a water bowl on the bathroom sink counter and she drink a lil of that but no more from the sink.
Squeak though the burlier cat of the 2, depended on her sis peeky to get a lot of things to happen cause peek was so vocal and the leader of the 2 in communication with us, hence why squeak is named squeak is cause she is not loud and has a lil quite meow.
we are worried about squeak and r already talking about another kitten to be her friend, but I don't know....we've looked online and well it's hard cause we keep comparing to our lil peeky who was gorgeous and an un forgettable personality and impact on us.
We've checked out, most of the kittens on there we liked we across the country or in canada..
I went to that site 'rainbowsbridge' man was that depressing...don't know if I can do that and make it through the process n such.

I'm kinda pissed right now with this....why the hell couldn't we have figured this out sooner and kept the thing alive. With them being sisters this is real hard on squeak and us watching it happen.
sorry to go on about this, but it helps ...for the moment at least.
anyone in so cal/central valley with calico/turkish van kittens for sale please PM me.
Please, please, please consider getting a kitten (or 2) from a local shelter. Rescue cats can be the best pets in the world, and you'd be saving a life.
Regardless, I hope you get a companion for Squeak and she can fall into a routine again.
I'm kinda pissed right now with this....why the hell couldn't we have figured this out sooner and kept the thing alive.

This is one of the stages of grief and totally normal.

Five Stages Of Grief

Denial and Isolation.
At first, we tend to deny the loss has taken place, and may withdraw from our usual social contacts. This stage may last a few moments, or longer.

The grieving person may then be furious at the person who inflicted the hurt (even if she's dead), or at the world, for letting it happen. He may be angry with himself for letting the event take place, even if, realistically, nothing could have stopped it.

Now the grieving person may make bargains with God, asking, "If I do this, will you take away the loss?"

The person feels numb, although anger and sadness may remain underneath.

This is when the anger, sadness and mourning have tapered off. The person simply accepts the reality of the loss.

I just thought I might pass this along as sometimes it helps to know what's going on in your head. BTW, have you checked out The area you gave was a little vague but you can go here and narrow it down.
catsncudas make a good point. I'm sure there a freind for your buddy at the shelter.
My sincere condolences, it allways is hard when you loose a family member.
I got my cat ram from the aspca here he was so happy to find a new home out of the shelter he slept next to me the first night and purred all night no joke you should swing by a shelter.
I had to put my buddy Mister Kitty down about 6 months ago, I'd had him since he was small enough to fit in my hand. 10 years later he just up and crashed out of the blue, quit eating, etc. took him to the vet and did blood work, white blood cell count was way elevated, 5 days later it was off the charts, then he threw a blood clout and couldn't move his hind legs at all. Rushed him to the Emergency Vet and $800 later, there was just nothing that could be done. It broke my heart but he was in pain and had to put him down. This cat always had to sleep by my right side curled up in the crook of my arm and touching me. It was kinda hard to get used to going to sleep without him, but about 2 weeks after I ended up finding a small kitten in my back yard that came out of nowhere and I adopted her or she adopted me, whichever. Now she has to sleep on my left side every night. When she's not being a hellion at 4 am. I hope she grows out of her teenage years soon.

So take heart, find another buddy, time heals all wounds.