Observations since I joined this site.

I used to spend a lot of time on 2 'stang forums but when the kids got Dusty (the name may change) and I found here, that was it for me..actually, I am thinking I am going to like the Duster more :)

Oh, I wouldn't be embarrassed if my kids were on this board....

Thanks all..
This is a great place here in so many ways, mostly I think I like the way members treat each other. When people follow the golden rule everything else pretty much falls into place.

The help I have received from members when I needed parts is incredible. It takes a lot of work to build a crate and ship out body panels, but a member did that for me. Without FABO it would be so much harder to find parts when we need them.

Lets keep on being thankful and respectful towards the site and each other and preserve this great resource! :cheers:
Ohhhh yes, you're right Grumpus! Please accept my apology for the misinformation about Marvin and for leaving you and Mary out David (ya'll have had one helluva year yourselves!!!) I did mean well ... just started typing before my coffee had kicked in this morning. :-D

What am I doing??? I'm supposed to be coating a rim right now. Walk past the computer en route to get rid of said coffee and that FABO siren song just called to me: "Leanna come see the recent posts ......."

It's addicting I tell ya!

Ain't no biggy girl, just letting you know we do pay attention. Know you must be busier that a one armed paper hanger right now and didn't mean anything by it. No apology necessary from you, but I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.
Well said Jack!

Most of you folks are really good friends that I haven't met yet!

The ones I have met are:


All from Arizona

and alsdemon....met him at SDAC when he had the Turbo 5-speed Mini Van

Great folks!
Observations since I joined this site..... Milk in a bag is just wrong!!!!!

Frankenmutt's balls in a jar was wrong too. LOL. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard when I saw that picture.

#17. Lots of good laughs on FABO
I was mainly a member over at BigBlockDart, and it is a good site. But I started to go here more and more..Now I can't get off the damn computer. lol. I like this one more for some reason...Lots more activity, cool people, and just a great site...I still visit over there from time to time though. :)
I was mainly a member over at BigBlockDart, and it is a good site. But I started to go here more and more..Now I can't get off the damn computer. lol. I like this one more for some reason...Lots more activity, cool people, and just a great site...I still visit over there from time to time though. :)

very same thing here!
Goldfish you sure do always come up with the most eloquently spoken words(if I spelled that wrong see signature) with members like you things do just fall into place......you guy's are the best! :cheers:
This is a great place here in so many ways, mostly I think I like the way members treat each other. When people follow the golden rule everything else pretty much falls into place.

The help I have received from members when I needed parts is incredible. It takes a lot of work to build a crate and ship out body panels, but a member did that for me. Without FABO it would be so much harder to find parts when we need them.

Lets keep on being thankful and respectful towards the site and each other and preserve this great resource! :cheers:
Don't forget smallblock's efforts to get a calendar together.

Afterall, it is about the cars.

That plus cool members willing to volunteer their time to help others out is the best.

I think the best thing about FABO is the contageous selfless acts to help one another out especially with the young guns an inexperienced greenhorns that need some really quick advice, and remembering we were all there at one point.

I still learn new stuff every day here,and always enjoy swapping, bartering with the membership.
Well said everybody I know I have a e-body in the avatar..but that is the only one that is done..right now...... Cars are our lives and not sure what I would do with out this great site....especially to buy stuff...man I love to buy stuff...
There's nothing I can add to everything that's been said here! Simply put...well said everybody, may 2010 be another great year for FABO!!
One more thing.You are right about the people here they are great.I once belonge to Chevells.com for years,and because i cant spell wottrh **** one or two members ran me off the board.But here i have not had one insult yet.Thanks FABO,and you Jack.
The net sure is a wierd place, ain't it?
Some talented folks with Photoshop skills, that's for sure!
"a really intriguing breakfast"!! I can see it now..


A new taste treat from north of the border

Just read through this forum. if I could add some other points about FABO. This is the only site that I know of that welcomes everybody. Even if you do not have an A- Body car or dream to someday have one, everyone is welcomed here with open arms. Also the respect level shown between members and towards "newbies" here is second to none. Even though many of our members have never met in person, the support given to any and all regarding ANY issues is unsurpassed. I have become addicted to this site and just joined 4 months ago. What a great bunch of people we have out here. It is kind of like being in a car club which is run over the internet. I thank everyone out here for all of their help in assisting me on some of the questions I have had and for the honesty of the people selling parts who represent what they sell with very accurate descriptions of condition and compatability of if the part will fit your particular make year and model. There is a HUGE wealth of knowledge available here and more is constantly being added every day. I am surprised that there are not more Gold members among the ranks. It is a true testament to the dedication of the people who control and administer these forums. This site has become a part of my family and I get lonely if I do not check in every day or two. I am busy during the week but every time I'm in front of this computer, I ALWAYS have a window open to FABO. Keep up the good work everyone and if you have not gone GOLD yet, please consider it to support the efforts and dedication of the people who all make this board possible. Thank You.
I joined this site because I love a-bodies! My 1st car was an a-body and I havent stopped since, there have been some times when I didnt have one but always had a soft spot, I'm 47 and if I'm around another 47 I hope to still be driving an a-body! Great job guys !