off to the hospital

I promised everyone an update, and here it is .. went back to the surgeon yesterday for my post surgery follow up.. the biopsy came back negative.. no cancer.. I was very relieved.. he says the incision in my neck is healing nicely.. still gonna be a bit before I can shave (god am I itchy LOL) all in all things are all good with my neck now.. Thanks for everyones kind words and support.. The FABO family is the best...
Whewwwwwwwww, great news Speedy! Thanks for the update. Take care of yourself and get back on your feet. We need ya around here. :-D
Look up cyst on youtube, there is hours of fun to be had....also look up botfly while your at it :cheers:
lmao.. I will post pics after I am able to shave.. or maybe not, check back to see LOL
Great news! Hope you're 100% soon. Then you can tell everyone you're not a pain in the neck anymore! They might not believe you but you have proof now! :)