Off to Vegas

Well I'll be off the Net for a few days till I get to Vegas. Gotta pack up the computer tonight cause the movers are coming tomorrow. The Duster and the Dart are staying back for now, until I can find a trailer to get the Duster over. I finally put the front suspension back on so now at least it can be rolled onto a trailer. Talk to you all later when I get to Vegas :salut:
HawaiiDuster said:
Well I'll be off the Net for a few days till I get to Vegas. Gotta pack up the computer tonight cause the movers are coming tomorrow. The Duster and the Dart are staying back for now, until I can find a trailer to get the Duster over. I finally put the front suspension back on so now at least it can be rolled onto a trailer. Talk to you all later when I get to Vegas :salut:

The Duster is gonna get a little water logged going over on a trailer! :D
Well I got to Vegas on Friday and I finally got to get on a computer :roll: My stuff won't be here for a few more weeks. I got most of my tools and parts shipped, just gotta get the Duster and Dart out here somehow :( The weather is definately different from home, I gotta go buy some clothes to stay warm. I left Hawaii and the temperatures were in the high 60's at night and in the 70's/80's during the day. Here I'm lucky if the days are in the 50's.
HawaiiDuster said:
Well I got to Vegas on Friday and I finally got to get on a computer :roll: My stuff won't be here for a few more weeks. I got most of my tools and parts shipped, just gotta get the Duster and Dart out here somehow :( The weather is definately different from home, I gotta go buy some clothes to stay warm. I left Hawaii and the temperatures were in the high 60's at night and in the 70's/80's during the day. Here I'm lucky if the days are in the 50's.

The 50's :shock: and your saying it's cold!
I got up this morning and it's 8degrees and windy,the wind-chill has to be well below 0!!!
I'm packing up my crap and moving out there with you!!!! :D :geek:
HawaiiDuster said:
Well I got to Vegas on Friday and I finally got to get on a computer :roll: My stuff won't be here for a few more weeks. I got most of my tools and parts shipped, just gotta get the Duster and Dart out here somehow :( The weather is definately different from home, I gotta go buy some clothes to stay warm. I left Hawaii and the temperatures were in the high 60's at night and in the 70's/80's during the day. Here I'm lucky if the days are in the 50's.

Wow, we were a few degrees above freezing all week, no snow though.
I guess all of us Canucks aren't as cold as some of the states.