(off topic) MY DAUGHTER EMMA



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2004
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Winter Haven,Fla.
i need everyones help...my youngest daughter EMMA has a lung disease and shes NOT getting better...she was diagnosis(SC)at 2 months and now shes 19 months.
her doctor said she would out grow it but shes not and now they want to do ANOTHER lung biopsy and we dont know what to do.
do we take her to ANOTHER hospital/university for a 2nd opinion??
give her doctors a 2nd chance??
do you know of any hospitals/universities/doctors/parents that we can call for advise or just talk??

we as parents feel HELPLESS and we feel like bad parents cuz we cant help her....shes on 4 different types of meds!!!...2-2.5 liters of oxygen(24-7)and shes NOT growing OR getting better!!!

do you or someone that you know have a LUNG DISEASE and can give us some advise??

please help us and little EMMA
michael and lisa wilcox
If your daughter isn't getting any better, I'd get a second opinion. Sometimes a doctor might get an idea as to what the problem is and get stuck on that one idea. It might help to get some fresh ideas from doctors who might look at the problem from a different angle. What are they saying your daughter has? My mother has worked in a pediatric hospital for over 30 years, I'll see what she thinks tonight when I see her. She works in pediatric surgery.
You should always get a second opinion when it's a serious condition. If your Doctors haven't suggested it, I'd have concerns about that doctor. JMO
Very sorry to hear of your daughters condition. Wish I could offer a recommendation, but other than seeing another speacialist I don't know what to suggest. If you were here in Houston, the Texas Children's Hospital is supposed to be one of the best in the country.

If money is an issue, let us know. I would be more than willing to pitch in for a Get Emma Well Fund.
hey hawaii,
the doctors thought she had TACHYPNEA OF INFANCY but shes NOT an infant any more!!!

she was supossed to be weaned off of the steroids and oxygen but now they have INCREASED both and MORE dependant on BOTH!!!


thanks for your help!!!,mike
Mike. I feel for you and you youngin. I have a 7 month old and she has some Med issues as well. If i were you I would get a hold of the closest Childrens Hospital. They only deal with children. They Are verry well versed in problems of youngins. I knwo im rambling but its late.

Anyway get intouch with the closest one.

Mike we all wish the best for little Emma. I know I think about her often as she was born a few months before my own.

You may want to talk to BillB. I know he does charity work for childrens hostpital and may beable to give you some ideas.
You have mail mike.

Let me know what I need to do for you, Im here if you need help.
May God Bless Little Emma and give the Doctors the knowledge to help
her in her recovery.
Children are the future.......Lets all help and give them one.
By donating to Childerens Charities you help in research, Treatments and Mobility aides.

Im thinking of you guys.

Sorry to hear about your daughter. I do not know much about lung diseases, but I have had a serious health problem in my youth. I consulted several specialists in the area of my disease and I'd recommend that you go to specialists until you find one that is on top of things. Different doctors experience different things in their careers and one may have dealt with a similar situation. Never give up hope. My prayers are with your daughter.
Sorry to hear of the trouble, we had problems of our own son that required surgery at 7 months of age for skull reconstruction. At three years of age now he is doing fantastic and better than any other kid(of course :D )

I cannot give enough credit to the Childrens Hospital in Calgary. There are some very special people working in these places. I hope you have gone to one, and please get a second opinion.

I wish you all the best.
thanks to EVERYONE for your thoughts and prayers!!!!

we are still waitting for the doctor to call us back to let us know when EMMAS ne lung biopsy will be and i will let EVERYONE know too!!!

hey billy,i havent gotten any mail???

Man that's tough. As a parent myself (I've raised three boys) I know that feeling of helplessness and it's horrible. You have my prayers and best wishes that your darling little Emma (what a cutie) gets well quickly.

Yes I would definitely get that second and even a third opinion if need be. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Our prayers sent for Emma and your entire family! I feel with ya, our Matthew has had a lot of breathing and some other problems too. I know how it feels to be powerless over situations like these. All we can do is pray, show our love and support, and let God do the rest.
I also agree with a second opinion. The more Doctors the better, if they work as a team.
today was her check-up and they said they wanted to get us in ASAP!!!
they were booked till JANUARY!!!!....we said"NO WAY"...we needed it done NOW!!
they called lisa today before she even got home... emma goes in at 7:45am and her surgery starts at 9:15am friday.

ill try to get on-line tomorrow night and give everyone a update....thanks to EVERYONE!!!
