Office Rules



A-Bodies Rule!
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
San Antonio TX
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Never walk without a document -- People with documents look like hardworking employees headed to important meetings. People with nothing in their hands look like they're headed for the cafeteria. People with a newspaper in their hand look like they're headed for the toilet. Above all, make sure you carry loads of stuff home with you at night, thus generating the false impression that you work longer hours than you really do.


Also, while carrying those papers, act like your confused or frustrated while pretending to look at them so as to avoid awkward eye contact while walking in the halls. That way you don't have to make the call whether someone will acknowledge your "hi" or not while walking by.
This doesn't just apply to the office. A million years ago during my military years, I found that the 3 stripes on my sleeve and carrying a clipboard (with anything on it) kept me from having to answer questions from anybody - no matter the rank.