OK, A What's It Worth?



Magnum Preservationist
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
Work acquantance wants to know the value of A body Barracudas, it's a Notchback, and I do believe a bigblock, in "nice" condition.

buying or selling, what would be a fair price to buy or sell?
Tons more detail needed. Pics if possible. I'll say with what's provided anywhere from $500 to upwards of $11K+. One opinion of "nice" is always different from another's.
I realize the description was vague, but I was just asked since "you're into Mopars".....

Since my "expertise" is late B's, I was out of my area.
Things like year, engine/trans ( beside big block ), stock/numbers matching, etc are all important in determining a ball park price... pictures if possible would probably be the biggest help...
Again, not sure if this guy he knows is buying/selling. I'll see what I can find out. Thanks