Ok guys, seriously does my mattress suck??



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
Howell, Michigan
Short long story . . . my back is killing me, has been for years. I'm seeing a chiropactor for 6 or so weeks, sez I'm a mess, arthritis, swollen discs, years of abuse hasn't helped. Blah, blah, blah. He sez he doesn't see anything on Xrays to worry about as far as bone to bone or collapsed discs probbies. But I'm not getting any better. I'm 62. I have been taking it easy all summer per Chiro instructions, but I don't have alot of summers left in me. Another one is slipping away.

I get up with back pain everyday, it takes a couple of hours to work it out :wack:. I try to take it easy, but I want to live too. I've been trying to work on my Dart, it's literally a pain :banghead:.

I've had this bed for years, it originally was a Cal King water bed, I converted to regular mattress in the 90's. This bed doesn't have a boxspring, the mattress sits on 3/4" plywood on the original waterbed foundation. The mattress is 10" thick and is 6 years old. Mattress is Sealy, seems to be plenty firm and a new one is around $1500 +. We tried a 4" memory foam pad on it, I didn't like it, didn't seem to make a difference.

Anyone have a similiar experience with some good input, any suggestions, recommendations :prayer:? The wife :sign3:is hurting too, life is good with her, but miserable with the pain.

Thanks :hello2:, Rog
All I can add to this is yes!!! Get a new bed!!! I did about 8 years ago after some work dun on my shoulder and know I am non elective surgery with Arther in my neck, back ankles that I wake to every morning, I need to replace mine again and I am sure you do to, I will be replacing mine in November, I know have a nice new 20 inch tall King size plow up mattress I bout for a camping trip, I have an electric pump that firms it up....
My neck and lower back won't let me jump out of bed in the mornings and I tried the blow up mattress 3 months ago because my son stayed over one night,
I was so surprised the next morning that I did not have pain running around my waist line.
Know I use it two ta three nights a week and when I wake up in my old bed my waist line and neck are on fire...... Yes a new upgrade will help ALLOT!!! It's time for me the wife to do the same and get a new one Popdart.
I noticed this after staying in a hotel and woke up with little to no waist line and neck pain..
I just have one word for you Popdart: TempurPedic. :-D Bought one in 2004 and it was one of the best moves I ever made. I'm lucky that I don't suffer from constant back pain like so many people do, but I've got old sports injuries. The bed made all the difference!

Call their 800 number, get the DVD and check it out. Don't buy one immediately though -- their deals will get more and more attractive $$$- and bonus-wise once they know you're kind of interested and they'll make it worth your while.
Thanks Memike . . .
The cost is what's stoppoing me from running out and spending the dough . . . .
If I do get a new mattress or bed (may downsize to a queen . . .), anyone recommend a brand or model?
Thanks, Rog
Thanks Leanna . . .

I think the TempurPedic is a memory foam mattress right?
We tried a 4" Sealy pad and it's hard to roll over and is quite warm. With my back, I get sore and have to roll over on the other side and it's difficult on the memory foam. But if it helped, I wouldn't have to roll over as much would I?? lol

Thanks, Rog
I had an old sagging mattress, and would wake up with back pain or sciatic nerve pain. I bought a Latex foam mattress 4 or 5 months ago and after about a week of sleeping on the new mattress, I haven't had back pain since.
After our house fire we didn't have a bed. When we got into the new house we got a queen sized air bed (Something like this) http://www.target.com/Pure-Comfort-...om_size-bin,target_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0

The plan was for it to be temporary. We love it so much we will never go back to a normal bed again. No more pain in the morning.

:blob::blob::blob: That is the air mattress I have and it is unreal how well it sleeps.... Yep that's the one Popdart, buy the electric pump and firm it up and you will be very surprised :cheers:
I just have one word for you Popdart: TempurPedic. :-D Bought one in 2004 and it was one of the best moves I ever made. I'm lucky that I don't suffer from constant back pain like so many people do, but I've got old sports injuries. The bed made all the difference!

Call their 800 number, get the DVD and check it out. Don't buy one immediately though -- their deals will get more and more attractive $$$- and bonus-wise once they know you're kind of interested and they'll make it worth your while.

i hear a lot of good things about those. i really need to start looking in a new matress. they are pricey and i hear some say they are too warm.
I have a memory foam mattress from overstock.com comes in a big heavy tube vacuum sealed. Very comfortable.

How much stretching and calestinics do you do? Most nerve issues can be relieved a-lot from about 30 - 40 minutes of a good stretch routine 3 times per week. Worked for several people I know with bad discs issues. Works for me when I have pinched nerves in my neck.

Popdart- We're the same age so I'll share. 5 years ago I went through the same thing and changed to a TempurPedic king size mattress from a top of the line Sealy.
I'll never have any other kind of mattress. They are warmer than a regular mattress and take longer to get used to and are harder to roll over in because you "melt" into the mattress. Once you get used to it you'll love it. My back was so bad I never could sleep on it for the pain but with the memory foam I not only can sleep on my back I seldom roll over during the night. I used to toss and turn but now I sleep like a rock.
Try it, you've got nothing to lose. When we bought ours they had a 90 night trial with a free return if you don't like it. Even in Michigan during the winter you'll never need a quilt just a blanket and sheet as your body heat bounces back to keep you warm. Try the pillows also. Dan
Get a firm mattress but not too firm.

Try to sleep on your back, also a pillow under your knees will help.

Someone mentioned stretching...doing that is good, doing low impact exercises like Tai Chi, and losing belly fat is great also.

I have a memory foam mattress from overstock.com comes in a big heavy tube vacuum sealed. Very comfortable.

How much stretching and calestinics do you do? Most nerve issues can be relieved a-lot from about 30 - 40 minutes of a good stretch routine 3 times per week. Worked for several people I know with bad discs issues. Works for me when I have pinched nerves in my neck.


This is a must do, I do at least 45 minutes to an hour three ta four time's a week with a wooden samurai practice sword, I tried water aerobics and did it for 2 days a week for three weeks , but it gave me worse feet and ankle pain then I ever had.
They said I was doing to much but I have not been back, the chlorine was making me feel dizzy in the swimming pool room.
My new hobby walking around a pool table and using my brain and control has been a blessing to me, I play 2 ta three night a week, Some good advice from Rice Nuker. :hello2:
Get a firm mattress but not too firm.

Try to sleep on your back, also a pillow under your knees will help.

Someone mentioned stretching...doing that is good, doing low impact exercises like Tai Chi, and losing belly fat is great also.

I have the chee Gong cd and enjoy it, but know that I think about it I have not watched it in a long time, I like the swimming dragon exercise, Breathing and balance in motion, more good advice from Paul here :hello2:
i agree exercise is a must.

even something as simple as kettle bell swings will help a ton. obviously you need to start off light and slow... [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR9KNdpen1g"]Kettlebell exercise: Basic drills - YouTube[/ame]
PopDart , I am a boat mechanic of 25 years and have had numerous back problems and back surgery . The key is a good bed , de compression of spine works wonders , whenever my back acts up i hang upside down for a few minutes like 4 times a day also if you sit at a desk alot get rid of your office chair and start using a kneeling chair . I dont know much but i do know back problems .
.....and if your overweight , lose it . I was 205 with back issue's now 180 and way better

I definetely agree with this. A good bed and losing weight make a big difference. I dropped 20 pounds and it has helped alot.

Also strengthing you back by doing crunches or situps is highly recommended. You don't have to do alot of the, just do some every day. Walking is also recomended. I will be doing these exercises soon as my neurosurgoen says I have recovered enough from my surgery to do so.
I have a memory foam mattress from overstock.com comes in a big heavy tube vacuum sealed. Very comfortable.

How much stretching and calestinics do you do? Most nerve issues can be relieved a-lot from about 30 - 40 minutes of a good stretch routine 3 times per week. Worked for several people I know with bad discs issues. Works for me when I have pinched nerves in my neck.

I don't exercise near what I should . . . my discomfort level is high. Just left Chiro . . . he relieved 90% of my pain . . . on ice now . . . by morning I'm back where I was. For me it's 2 steps forward, 2 steps back . . . . I know exercise is important, I need to commit to it. Could you let me know in a pm what those exercises are? Thanks Bud, Rog
gotta be careful with exercise and back problems. your better off talking with a professional about it.. some things can actually make it worse.
i agree exercise is a must.

even something as simple as kettle bell swings will help a ton. obviously you need to start off light and slow... Kettlebell exercise: Basic drills - YouTube
lmao!! That would kill me even if I didn't have any pain!! lol . . . . I understand the idea. I'm plenty busy around the home here, I have 2 acres to maintain and maintain my own home. It seems I'm losing ground on the body. I don't want to lose the desire to be active. I will work through the pain if I have to. I have lost 37 pounds down from 266 to 229 to help with the back. I'm going to start walking here next week and hope that helps strengthen my back and leg muscles. Thanks a bunch for caring, Rog
I had problems with my back, I run heavy equip. We bought a tempra pedic look a like from Costco amazing difference infact I bought a second one for the motor home. I used to work out of town. 500 bucks for queen size.been
5or 6 years now