Old 1965 song - "The Barracuda"



Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2006
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Near Fresno, Calif
I was just going thru ebay listing for Barracudas & found a 1965 45 RPM record called "The Barracuda" by Alvin Cash & the Crawlers. Does anyone remember this one? Is it about the car or the fish? I remember 1965 but I sure as heck don't recall the song. I googled it & according to the lyrics there must have been a dance that went with it. I did live out of the country most of that year so maybe I just missed it. Anyway, I thought it was kind of ineresting since I have a '65 Barracuda. I hope I'm not just getting old & forgetful...................
I'm not sure either but I have the sales commercial record from Chrysler for 1965 Chrysler/Plymouth. It's great one.
dartcuda said:
I don't think I have every heard that one. But I have heard the commercial where they called it the Bac-a-ruda

I remember hearing the Bac-a-ruda commercial on the radio while my mom was taking me to school in her '65 Bac-a-ruda. :thumbup:
I googled the Crawlers & found out that they had a couple of other "hits" : "Mr. Penguin" & "The Philly Freeze". Looks like I didn't miss much when I was out of the country!

BTW, there was a band in the 60's called the Valiants. I do vaguely remember them. Can't say the same about the Crawlers.
A while ago I heard a metal song called Hemi F`n Cuda by a girl band. I'll have to hit Limewire to see if I can find it...
doews anyone realize that in the tokyo drift movie they had a barracuda song too?

i downloaded it, and its kinda funny.. maybe its just me but it sounds old'ish..

anyone want it.. ill email it.
I remember the song, "The Barracuda"... it got a little play locally in 1965 or '66 but frankly wasn't very good.. certainly no "Little GTO".
A buddy at the time who had a 65 "S" actually had the record, but I've lost track of him and doubt he still has the record.
hello, a singer from omaha neb. johnny ray gomez had a hit in mid sixties called go go barracuda he also had a local t.v.dance show at the time. my old boss used to dance on it and said they played the song on every show.
Interesting. All I remember is the Heart song "barracuda". The Wilson sisters were/and still are a local act out of Seattle. I have always liked that song. But you guy's are trying to remember songs from Way before my time.
hey i have the alvin cash "barracuda" 45. cash's biggest hit was probably "twine time" but he had a few more killer soul records that never made it. i collect soul and funk records from the 60's/70's to DJ with, have a huge collection, over 6000 lps and over 1500 45's.
I have a really fun record, a Plymouth Dealer's filmstrip and phonograph record that compares the '65 Barracuda to the Mustang.