Old tires



Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2007
Reaction score
Bailey, Co.
With the thread going about Discount tires I decided to ask this question:

I have a brand new set (4) of GoodYear Eagle ST's that I bought for my Dart way back in like 1998. They have never been mounted or had air in them.

Would you run them on your car??
Personally I wouldn't because I have seen too many come apart. Besides the possible injuries or loss of life, bodywork and paint to repair the damage is too costly should they come apart.
If they've been kept out of the sunlight and away
from ozone, with no cracks or checks, I'd run em
and see how they do.
If you do run them treat them like what they are, old tires. They will most likely not have very good grip on wet roads and might dry rot quickly. I wouldn't throw them out. At least they would be good for rollers on a project car.
With the thread going about Discount tires I decided to ask this question:

I have a brand new set (4) of GoodYear Eagle ST's that I bought for my Dart way back in like 1998. They have never been mounted or had air in them.

Would you run them on your car??

My dart has a set of Firestone Indy 500 that are close to 10 years old since I bought them, need to check date code. About 7,000 miles and look as good as the day I got them.

My prowler is 15.5 years old and rolling on the original tires, they are bald, bought a set of take offs before the 7 year rule was announced, so have a set of GoodYear Run Flat that are no longer available, what do I do? Buy a set of new tires or run these 3,500 mile tired that are 14 years old. They have been stored inside out of the weather. They are not weathered in any way.

Also my Prowler trailer has the original tires, so 15+ years old there too. They are inside and suspended in the air, so no weight on them at all.

So do I need new tires for both my cars? I keep the air pressure checked pay attention to the condition and neither car gets driven a lot.

It is a crap shoot. Have talked to the manager at the tire store I deal with. He said that if the tires are in good condition then he would mount them for me.

Hell, I'll be TIRE POOR, if I have to buy new tires for everything.

As far as a set of eagle ST, had a set on my Dart didn't like the raised white letters, they are in the barn with almost no miles, took them off and put REDLINES on it, love the look.
If they are over three years old, I don't mount them. I have had them separate before and tear up the body.
as dry as the climate is here in Colorado I would be skeptical .......im up the road from the OP and it is so dry here I have tires that are 5 years old that have dry rot cracking already. Not saying his tires are no good, I would say its a case by case basis because there are too many variables to say they are ALL junk or All good at that age but I would be real careful about it.
I'd save them for the burnout contest at Carlisle next year!
You could send them to me and I'll break em in for ya.
My old tire burners would love to pop their cherry.

How much is shipping to 43078?
Lets see some pics!
Can't say I would run them.. with that said I have seen an equipment trailer we sold years back that had sat for years that we last used in the late 90s, guy that purchased the trailer aired the tires up to get it home, and it's still on them. Beats me.
I personally wouldn't run them on my car, but I'm a tire freak....:smile: I've seen too many tires come apart unexpectedly without warning. The damage they can cause isn't worth the risk IMO.

If you insist on driving with older tires, at least stay off the freeway to minimize the damage to your car as well as others.
I would put a 45 caliber round in each side wall so no one could sell them , It sure would be bad to see that set of tires on some kid or persons car and see the car on the front page of the news paper wrapped around a telephone pole showing a tire separated and caused the wreck ..
You guys are killin my chances at this new tire deal.
Guess I'll just have to keep running these baldy all skins
till they pop then go find me some better boat dockers.:pirat:
You have to consider dry rot also. All tires dry rot as they get older and then can come apart /wear out quickly. (and dry rotted tires also don't grip as well)
If no dry rot I would have no problem running them. I bought a set of take off spare tires that are all at least 8 years old and run them on my truck that pulls my trailer.
With the thread going about Discount tires I decided to ask this question:

I have a brand new set (4) of GoodYear Eagle ST's that I bought for my Dart way back in like 1998. They have never been mounted or had air in them.

Would you run them on your car??

Were they...
...exposed to UV light? (In the sun or in a room with florescent lights.)
...near electric motors? (Ozone can damage rubber.)
...slathered with Armor-All?

If not...I would check them carefully for damage. (And the obvious: make sure they have not hardened!) If they check out--yes, I would run them!
.............I discussed this in great detail with the Good Year tire rep and he says if the were not exposed to the elements and look to be brand new there should not be any reason to not run them.........ofcourse there is extenuating circumstances to everything in life......kim......
Lets see some pictures.

That way I'll know if I can use em.:angel9: