one of my friends broke stuff today



Not a Nova
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score

Wow that highway over pass right behind the track must be good for some rubber necking drivers when the drags are on!! lol! Looks like that ol Camaro brings you some good fun!!
there are 2 tracks by the freeway around here This 1 is in Denton Tx and the other is in Caddo Mills which is on the east side of Dallas.My slicks are no that sticky I usually have a 1.22 60 ft.Every run it got worse.The last race I had a 1.29 60 ft and ran 5.76 @ 118.33
there are 2 tracks by the freeway around here This 1 is in Denton Tx and the other is in Caddo Mills which is on the east side of Dallas.My slicks are no that sticky I usually have a 1.22 60 ft.Every run it got worse.The last race I had a 1.29 60 ft and ran 5.76 @ 118.33
you might want to give formula "V" a try. it works wonders on consistently hooking up. best stuff i ever used.
hey big dummy just WHAT model and year is that "A" bodie i dont guess ive seen a Mopar body shaped like that is it Foriegn(just kiddin) looks like fun keep it twwen the lines and ON the track
hey big dummy just WHAT model and year is that "A" bodie i dont guess ive seen a Mopar body shaped like that is it Foriegn(just kiddin) looks like fun keep it twwen the lines and ON the track
Its from the Soviet Union :-D .Its foe sale:-D .