Opinions Needed -- Raffle Idea



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
In reading through the "Internet Purchases" thread and the terrific suggestions I've gotten on how best to operate this place, I've come up with an idea I'd like to run by everybody.

Would there be any interest at all in a monthly or quarterly FABO raffle for a powder coating gift certificate?

I'm thinking the gift certificates could be $75 to $100 with a six- or 12-month expiration date (since everyone is on their own resto schedule), and the raffle tickets could be $5 apiece or so. I'd want to make entry as easy as possible for you so I'd probably have to open a paypal account or start taking credit cards -- something I've been considering doing anyway -- rather than make everyone run to the Post Office for a nominal money order every few weeks. There would be no limit on the number of times you could enter every month/quarter. Rest assured, this raffle would be EXCLUSIVELY for FABO members and would not be advertised anywhere else. I'd announce the winner in the General Discussion Forum so they could respond privately with their mailing address in order to receive the gift certificate.

I try to keep my prices reasonable (see the Pricing/Shipping tab on my website), so the amount I'm considering would put a really nice dent in the expense of getting your intake coated for example, or a pair of valve covers, some suspension parts, or every bracket under the hood. Basically, whatever you want to use it for.

In turn, the raffle money would help my small business buy the bigger and better oven it needs so desperately. (I'm looking at an 8 x 6 x 6 footer.)

Any thoughts on this would be very much appreciated (amount, entry fee, expiration date, how often the raffle winner is chosen, limitations/exclusions, etc.). Thanks in advance guys and gals!!!
Thats something I have thought about. Mopar Stlye does it, or use to at least. It would really be up to Joey though. You may also ask him about adding a banner for your business on the site.
Leanna, raffles can be a very time consuming and legally consuming project. For example, in Washington State only a charitable or non-profit organization can hold a Raffle and the law spells out how it is to be conducted.

I know you are not in Washington State but being this is the world wide web someone will see this Raffle in Washington and may purchase a ticket which could implicate you. This is why I say it would be very time consuming project. Because of Washington's law FABO members in Washington would need to be excluded from these Raffles. It is very possible that other states have laws similar to Washington's so these would have to be searched out to make sure you didn't break the law, even if it was by mistake.

If you break a state law over state lines, like on the web, phone or any means that cross state lines the FBI gets involved. The reason I know because I was running my mouth on the web last spring and had a nice talk with a FBI agent about what can and can't be done on interstate communication lines. I had no idea I was breaking the law but never the less, I did and ignorance of the law in not a defense.

I know about the Raffles is Washington because some years back when I was a board member in a Buick GS club we wanted to have a Raffle to raise money for our club. Our club was non-profit but was not registered in Washington as such so it was not allowed.

The reason they are not allowed for "for-profit" businesses is because it was abused by some scam artists so like usual the law abiding citizen or business gets thrown under the bus.

Only non profitable,charity type organizations can hold a raffle of any kind here.I would check your local laws,to be sure you can do it in tennessee.If nobody ever got mad about anything,there would never be a problem,but you know what they say,theres always a rotten apple in the bunch.Just my $.2 worth.Good luck!
I'm all for it Leanna, sounds like a great idea...
But (you knew this was coming), as much as I'd like to endorse it, Toby and Chuck raised a very valid point, the web crosses many borders, and therefore many laws.
There has to be a loop-hole in there you can work with somehow, so not to put yourself at risk. More research on your behalf will be required, before taking any action.
It has been done (still is), all kinds of sweepstakes that can be entered via internet, for organizations like the NFL... that are far from being non-profit.

Is it worth looking into, for sure, go for it Leanna, I'll buy in.
In light of the first couple of replies, I've been doing some research and admit that I should have investigated it more before even posting this thread. It's a case of the fingers getting ahead of the brain I suppose.

It's apparently a bad idea and not going to be feasible once I factor in all the application fees and lawyers, and I certainly have no intention of violating any laws, state or federal.

Thanks for the honest input -- it's what I needed, but wasn't at all what I expected to hear. Sorry I wasted everyone's time. Joey, Adam ... please delete this thread in its entirety when you see this.

I don't think you wasted anyones time and you did the right thing by asking. I did not mean to inply that you were "running your mouth" by your thread. If that is how you read it, my oppologies.

I don't want to get to deep into what I did (because it was very embarrassing) but I will say, the words I used could be interpreted as threating in nature, this is why I used the word "running my mouth".

That's to bad LeAnna. I think it would have been a great idea as long as it stayed in house, so to speak. But we all know that never happens. There are ways around most laws, just ask the rich people. LOL But you don't want to get that kind of rep.
Just keep plugging away, your business will really go with the attitude you have.

Leanna, maybe you can just take "donations" from us members to buy that HUGE oven you need and THEN......out of the kindness of your heart you will "give back" to the community something powdercoated every month....??.......Not a raffle...... I know, Im pushing the envelope but maybe something can be done, just have to be creative about it??
Jack, that's exactly how I wanted it handled too ... informal, no lawyers, no audits or annual reports, and cheap for everybody. Thanks for the kind words. :)

And SureGrip Aaron, my wonderful buddy from BOGdom, when you come out of the woodwork, you sure do so in style!!! "Creative" isn't the half of it. You've proven again that you're pure of heart.

After personally witnessing the kindness and generosity of others as a Katrina victim, I'm trying everything I can think of to get out of this rut and be self sufficient once again, and just can't come right out and ask like that. Just knowing that you mentioned it reinforces my faith in humanity though!!! You're a doll.
Couple questions:
How much is the oven? While we may not be able to wiggle our nose and make it happen like Genie, it might put into perspective.
What about a donation, via paypal, to cause, and Phoenix Specialty Coatings, via "advertising" gives the forum "certificates" to be randomly handed out to members who donated.

Something similiar happeded at Pro-touring.com. It was the company, giving out product at random to the first people to respond to the thread. While it is not EXACTLY the same, it got his product (second skin undercoating) out in customers hands.
Perhaps something similiar could work here.
--Perhaps within a set timeframe, those who "donate" could have access to a members only section of the forum, where the "advertising" certificates would be dispursed, for "advertising" purposes?
Back, it's going to run $2,300 delivered, a very far cry from the $9,000.00 and up pricetag they usually run, so you can probably understand why I'm so excited about this offer.

I sure like the way you guys think. Keep those ideas coming 'cause I'm listenin. :yawinkle:
How about this one LeAnna?

We all have parts that we will never use and nobody wants to buy. What if we shipped them to you, You did your thing to them and then offered them for sale at a lower price than what they would normally sell for. It requires at little work on your part and the members would be able to get a quality part cheaper than normal.

I know I have pully's and front suspension piece's I will never use and it doesn't cost that much to ship them.
