Osac valves and emissions junk


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
So this might seem odd to most but I'm kicking around ideas to connect the osac valve and all the original smog parts without actually connecting them.

I would like to run a non functional vacuum lines just for looks but not to actually use these parts.

This is a 74 duster and to me it just looks more complete and better to my eye to have everything mostly appearing as it did in 74. Any creative ideas how to accomplish this

Sure set the components in place run the vacuum lines like they are supposed to be, but plug the lines so they dont function. Plastic car model sprues "the little round frame thingys that hold the pieces in place till you build it" cut those into plugs maybe 1/2" long and shove 1 in each rubber hose to plug it off.
Well- small ball bearings in the vacuum tubes for one.

most of that stuff had to work or it hindered the engine. EGR actually did help emissions and lower temps to prevent pre detonation.

it’s kinda run it all or nothing type thing depending on emission laws where you live.
Here in CT I believe anything over 25 years of emission exempt and do what you want.
BB's work great for blocking vacuum line I have found my share over the years when people that didn't know what they where doing tried to fix cars.
Yeah BBs in the vacuum lines work. My opinion that you didn't ask for is that it looks much cleaner without all that. Unless you have emissions testing in your area, I'll be danged if I would put a thing on there that some government thought they knew how to build cars better than the automakers said needs to be there. Makes no sense. But hay, it's your car, so fix her up however you like. Good luck!
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So this might seem odd to most but I'm kicking around ideas to connect the osac valve and all the original smog parts without actually connecting them.

I would like to run a non functional vacuum lines just for looks but not to actually use these parts.

This is a 74 duster and to me it just looks more complete and better to my eye to have everything mostly appearing as it did in 74. Any creative ideas how to accomplish this

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What's on that engine? It will make it a lot easier to say what to do with each system.
Post a photo of the vacuum diagram if there is one under the hood.
Otherwise one from owners manual may have to do.

OSAC is the main one that kills performance. If it can be disabled so it works like its very cold out all the time, then you can run the vacuum line through it so it looks stock.

EGR dpends on what flavor is on that car and engine. Doesn't hurt if its working.
Vapor control needs to work correctly or the fuel tank won't vent. Carb venting to it may or may not be critical - depends on the details of whats on there.

PCV of course you want to work right.

Are there any electrical solenoid gizmos on the distributor? Carb have solenoid idle?