Overpriced '66 Dart Wagon? - You Make the Call

wow 25 grand and the speedo doesnt even work and he is serious at that price i thought it was a misprint till i read the ad i agree with you gtxperience he seems a little ok a lot out there
ahh who needs pics its only 25 grand right that like pocket change isnt it. I thought we were all rich on here arent we:grin:
GUy should go crawl under a rock for the next 50 years. maybe then.
Plus a /6 with a Ford 8". Oh, yeah, it runs great. Of course it does. It's a /6. They all run well. Just real slow. I thought the convertible '64 GT at Barrett Jackson for $18,000 was outrageous. At least that car wasn't a P0S.
3 words: "Homeboy is trippin'":drunken:

Correction ... he beeez trippin' !!

He says in the ad ... serious buyers. He is not being serious or realistic at all. Internet sites that offer FREE ads make DREAMERS like this come out of the wood-work.

A real-world price ? ...2500$ ... ??
ahahaha he even says "NO its not a misprint"! thats great! says he gets 25 mpg but doesnt have a spedo that works?? Oh im loving this ad. =) Good find!
ahahaha he even says "NO its not a misprint"! thats great! says he gets 25 mpg but doesnt have a spedo that works?? Oh im loving this ad. =) Good find!

I think his exact words about the mileage were, "and u know what i think it gets 25 plus mpg."

Hmmmm, maybe it does and then again ... maybe it doesn't.
This guy is hitting the pipe. HARD.

Sheesh... then I guess my Barracuda must worth $45,000. Even though it doesn't have a "phord" rear in it....
Wow, I mean I like wagons and all, and wagons are rarer then cars, but that is just outrageous. I think the purple is fugly myself, but what do I know, I ride around in primer. My wifes Coronet wagon must be worth at least 45K :)

He doesn't want to sell it.

There is a local car lot that has some Mopars for sale and the last one was a '65 Barracuda, although clean it was not worth the $25,000 they wanted. They still own it.

santa cruz... I've seen a 500 sqft (not misprint.....) houses there that go for damn near a million.

the wagon has got to be, what? a good 50 sqft? seems like a steal... :)


Damn, I didn't notice that this guy is in MY town! I should go find him and kick his *** for not properly representing SC!:angry8:
i agree.. he can't be getting many calls.

I sent him an e-mail offering him $2,500....but only if it had a full tank of gas and $2,400 cash in the glovebox.

I can be such a sunofabitch at times.... :grin:
I sent him an e-mail offering him $2,500....but only if it had a full tank of gas and $2,400 cash in the glovebox.

I can be such a sunofabitch at times.... :grin:

Good job FASTBACK340!! You sure are a creative one:happy7: