Painting my truck. (After pics added)


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I have a 2011 Ram 1500 4X4 that I use like a real truck. It spends most of it's life in the woods going to fishing spots or on logging roads going to hunting spots. That's when it is not plowing the driveway, hauling gravel or top soil or any other job a car can't do. Anyway, it was time to fix a few of the dents and refresh the paint. It is normally silver metallic when you can see the paint through the mud. I have been at it for 3 days. Tomorrow should wrap it up. Here is where I stand now. Hot Rod Black, YeeHaw! Tomorrow it goes back to it's normal silver.






Nice looking but I am glad it is not staying that color. You knew that black primer will get the silver a little darker eh.
Camo would not have surprised me but would probably not match the interior.
anyone can paint a car - it takes a man to do it with only 2' of clearance over the roof... lookin' good! PS - careful you don't get any over spray on that snowblower.. :lol:
anyone can paint a car - it takes a man to do it with only 2' of clearance over the roof... lookin' good! PS - careful you don't get any over spray on that snowblower.. :lol:

Yup, it's a tight fit trying to get the center of the roof without touching anything. That's why the wheels are off and it is a bit lower than normal. Snowblower?, that's my trash compactor. LOL

If you have any signs of ADD be sure to concentrate on your spraying pattern, don't get sucked into reading the articles on the windows while painting.
great deal!! give her h***!

reminds me of the "question" when I hauled home a 81 ram 1/2 ton couple months ago! very faded red. " YOU aren't going to paint it are you!?????????????????????" ha. I said NO. .....I lied.
use to call that giving it a 'new suit and tie'... nice going Jack, looks like all the hard work is done (prepping)
Here are the after photos. I'm still a rookie at this painting thing but I am getting better. The roof and hood are good to go. They are close to factory quality. The sides will need some wet sanding and buffing to be as good as the hood but not really required. The tailgate will need wet sanding for sure. And of course a fly had to commit suicide on the front fender sometime during the process. Overall, not bad for a backyard guy. I really like the colour. Using the black primer made the silver come out a little darker than it used to be and the wife and I both like it better.







Way to go Jack!
What brand and type of paint did you use?
Looks great. Shows what you can do at home if you put your mind to it. Saved a ton of money as well. Congratulations
good stuff! considering what you use it for and do to it, I wouldn't get too involved making the paint "right" - the fly is a riot! never f%^king fails!
Love that color. Almost looks gunmetal. Nice work Jack.
The fly reminds me of Dads 76 Monte Carlo him and my uncle Ben painted in the back yard. 1 mosquito got stuck in exterior mirror lol.
...............Looks pretty good, many hours u got in

It took me about 2 days to pull and smooth all the dents. I'm not real fast at that. LOL Then another 4 hours to prime it. There were a couple of screw-ups I had to fix in that process. Then another 5 hours to spray the colour and clear after waiting 24 hours for the primer to dry. Total days was 5, total hours of work was about 25 hours.

Love that color. Almost looks gunmetal. Nice work Jack.
The fly reminds me of Dads 76 Monte Carlo him and my uncle Ben painted in the back yard. 1 mosquito got stuck in exterior mirror lol.

I would say it ended up somewhere between a light silver and a gun metal colour. Damn flying bugs, always where you don't want them.

I would say it ended up somewhere between a light silver and a gun metal colour. Damn flying bugs, always where you don't want them.


yea, I spray in a somewhat open shed. ha.. I take a " dairy bomb" and spray fog real good before . it seems to help some. cheaper than a spray booth. ha
you have to figure you saved yourself at least $2-3000 bill from bodyshop! and got a real nice truck. exercise is good for ya!!