Parts not recieved

One important thing is to INSURE your shipments. I have had a few things lost by USPS, and been burned because of no insurance. This is why I ask the seller to send insured. That way if the part is lost we at least get the money back so nobody looses and has to eat the cost. I have found that they tend not to loose as many packages when they are insured... I wonder why???
Thanks for the help Demon Seed, and all the other advice from everyone. I still haven't heard any replies from the guy. I will post and let everyone know if there are any changes.
One bad experance, one bad apple. Thing happen and maybe the vendor was in a car accedent on the way home from the ball game and is now in a comma. Who knows but I have learned that the only conformation I'll take that it was shipped is a tracking number only and check the date it was shipped. Another scam to watch out for is on e-Bay. You buy something. A week later you wonder where is is. You start asking the vendore and you get the bla, bla, bla for any reason, BO, out of stock, supplier problems, my cat died (again). This is where the vendor is buying time so the expire date to file a claim runs out. I had this happen but, was lucky to have Pay-Pal & VISA back me up. My advice is that at the first sign of BS on e-Bay. File a claim. DO NOT WAIT. It can always be retracted but, never file after the expire date. Onther story. I once sent an $8,000.00 deposit on a 70 Cuda convertable to the other side of the USA (I live in BC Canada). The song and dance started and Buddy wanted another $5,000.00 on to of what we agreed to (in writing). I did some research and contacted the local Mopar club. I was easy to find Buddy and who he was. I told my story and two days later I got a call from one of the members who happend to be FBI retired and he said he would talk to buddy because he does not like thing likethis going on.....A week later my money order was returned........7 years later I saw the car and Buddy at the nats, I just walk by. So look up a local car club or local Greigs List. Fello Mopar Guys will be happy to help weed out the bad apples but, make sure you have all you ducks lined up and proof, dates & facts. Good luck Ihope things work out for you
good advice about ebay brad426
file a claim at the FIRST sigh of trouble, then retract it later if everything works out, just dont delay on filing it ASAP

back on subject, I have bought many many parts from members here with out a hitch, and would not hesitate to do so again
Yes, things do happen and packages can take more time than you think. However, the OP can't even track the package or confirm that it has even been shipped without a tracking number, which the seller promised twice, and has had more than ample time to offer since then. I think there is trouble afoot and that the seller is not being honest. It doesn't take much time to call, message, or if you've been in an accident, have someone do it for you!! Good luck to the OP, I hope things work out to the satisfaction of both parties!! Geof
One important thing is to INSURE your shipments. I have had a few things lost by USPS, and been burned because of no insurance. This is why I ask the seller to send insured. That way if the part is lost we at least get the money back so nobody looses and has to eat the cost. I have found that they tend not to loose as many packages when they are insured... I wonder why???

I've noticed the exact same thing. I have had USPS loose a few packages for me and tear others up. Never once has there been an insured package lost or torn up. Insurance generally costs very little.
one more good idea is to put a copy of the address INSIDE the package, that way if the outside gets damaged they are still able to determine where to send it
Well, Thanks to Demon Seed, I finally got a reply from the seller late last night. He was running his mouth about this site and the moderator that messaged him, and he didn't care if he was kicked off the site because he was leaving anyway... blah blah blah. Was all P.O.'d and ranting, Then says he will get me the tracking numer... WHY could he finally reply to me, and still won't include the tracking number??? My guess is that it hasn't been shipped yet. He said on September 15th that he shipped it "yesterday", which would be the 14th. Well it doesn't take 2 weeks for FedEx to get a package from Idaho to Kansas, and he still hasn't been able to give me a tracking number, so I say it hasn't been shipped yet. I'll update if I get a tracking number. Thanks again, Demmon Seed!
Well, Thanks to Demon Seed, I finally got a reply from the seller late last night. He was running his mouth about this site and the moderator that messaged him, and he didn't care if he was kicked off the site because he was leaving anyway... blah blah blah. Was all P.O.'d and ranting, Then says he will get me the tracking numer... WHY could he finally reply to me, and still won't include the tracking number??? My guess is that it hasn't been shipped yet. He said on September 15th that he shipped it "yesterday", which would be the 14th. Well it doesn't take 2 weeks for FedEx to get a package from Idaho to Kansas, and he still hasn't been able to give me a tracking number, so I say it hasn't been shipped yet. I'll update if I get a tracking number. Thanks again, Demmon Seed!

Way to go DemonSeed!

If he really did ship the part already, they will arrive before he gets you the tracking #. I think that you are right. When he says he shipped them yesterday, he really means he will ship them tomorrow...

This seller is a freakin deadbeat.
He's stroking you. That is total Bull ****. He would of had the tracking number in hand before dialing your number. Just to shut you up and get all of us off his case. No kidding. The seller sounds like a real looser and cry baby and the world is hard on him. bo ho. Please tell us his user ID so no one gets stung again and we can put the run on him......Shame on him!
Hang in there


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Yea he replied to my email swearing and cussing a blue streak. His stage name and address is Michael Beasley, Eagle Idaho and his user name is moparmaster#1. In the email he sent to me he used the name Hagen Richardson, maybe his pretend friend, either way I wouldn't buy a moose turd from this character.

DodgeDart, let me know if you get anything from him in the next week before we go to step 2.
Yea he replied to my email swearing and cussing a blue streak. His stage name and address is Michael Beasley, Eagle Idaho and his user name is moparmaster#1. In the email he sent to me he used the name Hagen Richardson, maybe his pretend friend, either way I wouldn't buy a moose turd from this character.
START A LETTER TO MICKY BEASLY. I sent him one just today. Start Step #2

Hay stop the BS and send 69DodgedartGTS his parts or money back. You sound like a real scum bag!
Is there anything I can do if I bought parts in the classified section, paid for them, was told they shipped and I would get a tracking number several times but kept "forgetting" to send it, never got the tracking number, and now get no replies to e-mails and the phone number is "not accepting calls"?

I'm pretty new here to this site, and my first experience buying something from here for my Dart turned out to be a loss. I don't know if I can do anything to get my money back because the guy insisted I pay with a USPS money order.

If you paid with a USPS MO and filled out what the MO was for you can file a claim with the PO they will go after him for Mail Fraud. May just try telling him that, I don't think he will want a felony on his record because he didn't send you some parts.
I hope the USPS does better than this thread implies. Just shipped an elec waterpump to oz via them to the tune of $45.50 and they said it was only insured for under $100. Also they said there was no tracking available to us but the buyer says the number under the barcode on the customs form is trackable. Didn't work on my end.

So far I have had good luck with FABO transactions with the exception of one of the parts being not as good as the seller described.
Quote: If you paid with a USPS MO and filled out what the MO was for you can file a claim with the PO they will go after him for Mail Fraud. May just try telling him that, I don't think he will want a felony on his record because he didn't send you some parts.

I told him that in my e-mail. Thx
I have read this thread from front to back and you are always going to find a couple bad apples anywhere money is involved. At a couple other sites I have been a member at they make all the newbies have at least 25 post before they can start using the classifieds because by doing this it weeds most of the fly by night scammers out because they don't want to stay around that long to scam, and try to steal from people. hopefully in the long run you get your parts and everything works out. These are just my views and no way shape or form related to the site not being run rite just a helpful opinion.:newb:
I have read this thread from front to back and you are always going to find a couple bad apples anywhere money is involved. At a couple other sites I have been a member at they make all the newbies have at least 25 post before they can start using the classifieds because by doing this it weeds most of the fly by night scammers out because they don't want to stay around that long to scam, and try to steal from people. hopefully in the long run you get your parts and everything works out. These are just my views and no way shape or form related to the site not being run rite just a helpful opinion.:newb:

The 25 post count is ok but you can see post count for yourself. If a member doesnt have a good count dont buy from him.
Well here is an update... I got 3 e-mails today while I was at work, cussing up a storm and name calling, and he had a hell of a lot of choice words to call Demon Seed and this site, and all 3 e-mails kept giving excusses about the tracking number and that he'd get it to me by this time or that time. I replied asking how he could type out all of his rants & raves, and cuss and name call, but still could'nt give me my tracking number. He FINALLY JUST NOW sent me a tracking number and told me he was done with me and this site. I checked the number with FedEx, and it shows that it has JUST NOW BEEN DROPPED OFF AT FEDEX LOCATION! Keep in mind he has given excusses for 2 weeks now, telling me that it shipped out on September 14th and kept "forgetting" to give me the number. He is a total liar! It never was shipped, and I probably would have never heard from him again if it had'nt been for Demon Seed getting on his case. I REALLY appreciate the help!!! I'll let you know when I get the package and how it looks... It is supposed to be here Thursday, only 3 days after it shipped... Imagine that!
Good on Ds for stepping in!! Just mailed today eh?? After 2 weeks of excuses...well I would smell the pkg before opening...At least he mailed you something...what a d-bag!!
I have read this thread from front to back and you are always going to find a couple bad apples anywhere money is involved. At a couple other sites I have been a member at they make all the newbies have at least 25 post before they can start using the classifieds because by doing this it weeds most of the fly by night scammers out because they don't want to stay around that long to scam, and try to steal from people. hopefully in the long run you get your parts and everything works out. These are just my views and no way shape or form related to the site not being run rite just a helpful opinion.:newb:
Hay NEW GUY !!! u just started but outta them few posts u have jumped right in and trying to help even on my post way to go .... now to the op thing im happy ur getting ur parts we dont need any thing from this dude the scum bag could have just said hay i keep for getting to send it and tell the truth but ya .. DS thank u for helping ur a grate mod here ... thats bout one of the coolest things ive seen .. now lets see if the parts are any good when they get here .. could be a box of poo for all we know .. i just cant see doing some one like that .. :happy1: