Paying with PayPal



Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Never had a transaction problem with my paypal account. They wanted a checking account to verify my account. OK done. They will now only access $ for payment from my bank. A credit card transaction according to them is not secure enough. I think that they don't want to pay the credit card transaction fees. This will put a crimp in my online transactions. Anyone have any thoughts?
correct they want to make sure the funds are there ( in your bank acount) so when you pay for the Items YOU really have the money.....
You can choose which payment option you want when you go to confirm your payment, it will try and discourage you but they can't stop you. It's also safer for you if you don't know the seller.
They now select your payment method. No CC.
They now select your payment method. No CC.

They always have it set for your bank account but there is a place to choose payment options, you have to switch it every time you use it, I always use my credit card because I don't trust paypal and my credit card will take care of any issues.

It may be different for some users though, I've been with them for 9 years.
I started letting them pull funds right from my bank accounts, but since it is an ECheck, it takes several days for my payment to actually reach the seller, then I have to wait for the amount of days it takes for the item to be shipped >.< It's not too fun.
You can send funds via credit card, eCheck, or directly from your bank account. CC and bank are instant.
I've never had a problem, just bought something today.
all sellers dont accept credit cards thru paypal.

That is true on the forums, but if you sell on greedbay, you don't have a choice. Greedbay requires all sellers to accept whatever payment method the buyer wants to use.
I was somewhat surprised when ebay didn't buy the remnants of DHL and launch their own required shipper.
The newcommers to these services read the rules and accept them. Its the oldschoolers that see the inevitable changes. In the end its just another "remember the good ol' days" topic.