


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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give me a headache. Was out trimming the trees on the side of our roads earlier. We have to maintain our roads ourselves. Neighbor runs the road association. Jim asked me a while back if I would not mind working on the trees, it has been a couple of decades since any one has. I have been taking down a tree here and there in an attempt to get some sun on the road to help it melt....once it ices over it is frozen until spring so any bit of sun light is going to help. Local law says the road has to be 30' from the centerline. Anyhow, several folks have stopped and thanked me. One couple brings me out water every time they hear me. I am standing by my trailer, that is full of wood with a chainsaw idling in my hands when this a**hat stops and asks what I was doing... Could not resist....told him I was polishing my car...He got a bit pissy and said what is with me trimming the trees? Told him I was bored...tells me it is private property....tell I know....he tells me I should not be taking down the trees....told him I was asked to help out....he missed that and told me I needed to leave....I told him leave? I live at the bottom of the hill, where do you want me to go? He then asked who gave me permission....I told him my neighbor that runs the committee....he got more pissy....I asked him if he ever heard of the road easement....he had that deer in the headlight look....I finally told him that if he had a problem with it to go see either Leroy or Jim, he did not know of either person. He started to get out of his van, I fired the saw back up and told him to move along, I had work to do. His response was I don't want you trimming anymore trees....told him to get sorry a** back in the van and go home before something bad happens to him....As he was getting back in his van I told him that I really don't care what he thinks...and told him not to worry, I will stay away from his & his daughters place.....

I ran into Jim, who recently bought a grader...he told me that he has had problems with this guy in the past....and that when he grades in front of his daughters place this year he is going to just mow over all the small pine trees with the grader...

Sorry for rambling....just beyond pi**ed off right now....Even the FedEx/UPS/USPS delivery folks have stopped and thanked me...Perhaps this fellow is a tree hugger of sorts....
The next time that happens, take that chainsaw and cut off his legs then dispose of them in his van!
Hey, do you think you could swing past my place I have some oaks that need some work! I worked for Verizon and they gave us cards to carry that allowed us to trim (minor trim) trees to restore service in a town near Morristown. They had a shade tree commission, probably run by this guys brother. The worlds full of self important Richard-Heads!
The next time that happens, take that chainsaw and cut off his legs then dispose of them in his van!
I don't think he is going to stop and talk to me anymore. So far he is the only one that has a problem with this. I guess he does not care how narrow the roads are. There is one fellow that drives by every now and then in a new Dart. Always stops and thanks me for donating my time. When I was working on the other road last year one of the neighbors sent her kids down to load the trailer for me.
Hey, do you think you could swing past my place I have some oaks that need some work! I worked for Verizon and they gave us cards to carry that allowed us to trim (minor trim) trees to restore service in a town near Morristown. They had a shade tree commission, probably run by this guys brother. The worlds full of self important Richard-Heads!
Take me a few days to get there....maybe a bit longer with the storms you folks are having. What was the name of the town? I spent 27 years in Parsippany....
You should have let him drive away in a convertible!
Just sharpened all of my chains....hate to waste one on him....
Damn you move to the country to get away from *sshats like that and they follow.....
Seems like no matter where one lives there is always one or two clowns around....
Good move,Ink. None of his business.
Thank You Sir.
I am guessing that this guy & his daughter do not pay the annual road fees. Nor do they contribute any labor. Must be nice to think that the roads will take care of themselves.
A while back the county was looking into taking over our roads. One of the requirements was they needed a loop on one of the roads so that the school bus could turn around. The person that owns the land where this loop was needed would not sell them the 40" half circle of his property. Keep in mind that he owns 5 acres, and his house & garage is on the opposite end of the property that the loop would have been on. The county was willing to give him 5k for it....Idiot....
So Ink, let me get this straight, this guy was just simply practicing his *** Hat skills? When he complained about the upkeep duties?
Yeah those tree hugger types cause trouble everywhere. Look at D.C.
Yeah, been there with a disgruntled home owner while out mowing ditches for a township many years ago.
I had a John Deere tractor with bucket in front and a 6' mower deck that had a 6' fold down wing and was instructed to remove the dead tips from an evergreen tree that was in the roadway. The dead tips were from the road grader breaking them. About 2 hrs after removing the dead ends from the tree on my way by and ONLY the dead tips that were in the road I had a truck come flying past me and parked sideways in the middle of the road and the guy got out furious! I powered down the deck and idled down the tractor then seen what he was needing. Well, he went off about how I had ruined his evergreen and it will never be the same again......I said that the brown DEAD tips were only removed that was actually sticking out in the roadway by about 2' and the beef he had with anyone would have been the person running the grader....he went on for about 5 minutes just repeating himself and I kept calm not wanting to upset him more so I could get on with my route. When all was said and done the guy actually THANKED me for understanding and when he drove back by me he waved....with 5 fingers......didn't quite understand what that rant was about since the tips were already damaged. 8)
Doug, I used to forman a tree crew in Cal and have had to have the sherrif sit there while we did what the city was paying us for.
People would try to park thier cars in our way and/or stand there screaming at us while we took down trees that were originally planted by the city as landscaping between lanes on the road, but ended up blocking the view of oncoming traffic at an intersections.

I have had people run up and grab chainsaws, or grab gas cans for the saws and run off with them.
So Ink, let me get this straight, this guy was just simply practicing his *** Hat skills? When he complained about the upkeep duties?
*** Hat idiot= *** Throttling..... My math.
Yeah those tree hugger types cause trouble everywhere. Look at D.C.
Do I have to??? :D
Yeah, been there with a disgruntled home owner while out mowing ditches for a township many years ago.
I had a John Deere tractor with bucket in front and a 6' mower deck that had a 6' fold down wing and was instructed to remove the dead tips from an evergreen tree that was in the roadway. The dead tips were from the road grader breaking them. About 2 hrs after removing the dead ends from the tree on my way by and ONLY the dead tips that were in the road I had a truck come flying past me and parked sideways in the middle of the road and the guy got out furious! I powered down the deck and idled down the tractor then seen what he was needing. Well, he went off about how I had ruined his evergreen and it will never be the same again......I said that the brown DEAD tips were only removed that was actually sticking out in the roadway by about 2' and the beef he had with anyone would have been the person running the grader....he went on for about 5 minutes just repeating himself and I kept calm not wanting to upset him more so I could get on with my route. When all was said and done the guy actually THANKED me for understanding and when he drove back by me he waved....with 5 fingers......didn't quite understand what that rant was about since the tips were already damaged. 8)
Kinda makes you wonder what his problem was....
Doug, I used to forman a tree crew in Cal and have had to have the sherrif sit there while we did what the city was paying us for.
People would try to park thier cars in our way and/or stand there screaming at us while we took down trees that were originally planted by the city as landscaping between lanes on the road, but ended up blocking the view of oncoming traffic at an intersections.

I have had people run up and grab chainsaws, or grab gas cans for the saws and run off with them.
Does not surprise me one bit.
Don't think my troubles with this clown are going to go any further....but ever since one residents dog growled at me a while back I do carry a firearm. Go figure, Titan, a Pit Bull was in the back of my truck, rolling thru the saw dust on my trailer and at my feet the day before getting a belly day he is growling at me....He gets out of his vehicle it best be to help me load the trailer.....