Pics. from MoparFest

This one,mrmopartech

I can't find a pic of the Blue Superbird, but your son might enjoy this

You can also look at the previous years photos of Moparfest, he is a regular participant, there has to be a pic of it somewhere. Here's some of this years pics (not completed yet), Moparfest/?start=0, there's two 'Birds on the last page.

Moparfest homepage, for previous years photos

I have pics of a Green, Orange and Pink, still looking for Blue...

All the best.
Mrmopartech, you're awesome! That's the one! I'll show him in the morning.

340butterduster, that's a sweet vid. I'm training the boy to have a strong appreciation for the blues, so obviously Thorogood will be an integral part of that training. I'm sure he'll love to see the blue 'birds in that vid.

Thanks guys!
Gilles,did you get a picture of my car,as I took other pics ,but forgot to take one of my own car,DAH,mrmopartech

Yes I did, I'm still going through them, a few every day, copying to disc (full size files), then re-sizing some for posting and e-mailing, and uploading some in "Photobucket" also.

I'll email the full size file, give me a day or two.

I was there Sat and man was it hot,I think my head was a cherry.We managed to leave home without a camera and didnt think about it until we got to the parking lot.Oh well there is always next year.Did anyone take a pic of the old race car inside?