Pinched nerve in back

I tried a tens on my neck once without reading any directions. When I hit the button it slammed my head on my shoulder and left me in worse shape than before I started.
When all else fails READ the directions!

Sorry to chuckle but I know what you mean. They are dangerous. I was walking around and had a patch come off, talk about getting a serious shock! And it kept doing it untill I could get the controller out of my pocket.:stop:
I was drinking a beer the other day and it pulsed while I was drinking and I spilled beer all over myself. That was funny. I can handle it up to about 4-5.
My back went out for good in 02. In 03 had to do surgery because I was living in a recliner and heavy does of hydrocodone. Fused L3,4,5 and S1. I was forced to retire which is more like slow starvation and was told by Dr. that he could not fix me just reduce my pain. Dr warned me that Iwas to be very careful or I will be back for more surgery. Work on my car is done mostly by friends and I do wonderful things like hand them wrenchs. About an hours drive in the Duster is the limit for me. Be easy on your backs and listen to your Dr.