piston help



in the tire smoke
Sep 21, 2007
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hey guys i got my kb 107 pistons back from the guy that said they where broken..now i need to ask some ??????? 2 piston had a lillte damage from the shipping and i want to see if they can be used..on the bottom of the skits there is a little chip about 1/8 up on the skit and bout 1/4 long . it 2 piston that are this way and you can tell they where damage doing shipping the guy even tape the little broken part to the piston..i am going to post up a pic of the piston as soon as i can get into my photobucket acc. thanks mike:glasses7: but let me know whats your thoughts....:salute:
That's like askin "hay guys, is this chick good lookin"? No pic.
yea i gotta get the pics uploaded on my photobucket acc. seem to be doiong crazy things..will get them up in a few mike:D
Blurry...lol. But, measure the piston with a micrometer and see if it's been bent at all. I doubt it as it's brittle and tends not to bend but break. But, you need to verify the dimansion is still sound (compare to non broken others). If it's not bent, I'd dress the edges of the break, and smooth off any raw casting showing to avoid stress risers, and run them.
i will get a better pic tomm. thats from my junk blackberry phone lol mike
Blurry...lol. But, measure the piston with a micrometer and see if it's been bent at all. I doubt it as it's brittle and tends not to bend but break. But, you need to verify the dimansion is still sound (compare to non broken others). If it's not bent, I'd dress the edges of the break, and smooth off any raw casting showing to avoid stress risers, and run them.

this is good advice!:salute:
I see where it chipped off, Its more then just a little peice, the squirt is the most important part of a piston, I wouldn't even fathem running that period, buy a new, heck a whole new set ain't but what 225.00 bucks, don't chance it, junk it.
It looks like the part that broke off is not the bottom of the skirt, but one of the edges. That section doesn't contact the cylinder wall. If the tip of the skirt was broke I'd say toss them.
Send it KB and ask them! They might just send you a new set, if those are new.
no its not on the bottom of the skit it is on the side...and this is the worst of the 2 .. i'll post clear and more pics today....:D
Don't run them. The metal there is there for a reason. Sure you can dress it up and make it work for a while, but eventually the piston skirts'll break in the engine, and you'll have to bore it over.

Also, did you buy these new? or used? Because you don't damage a piston like that by "shipping" I've dropped pistons, I've thrown pistons at things (long story) and I've hit pistons with hammers and done less damage than that. if you bought them new, Send 'em back and get a proper set. If you bought 'em used under the assumption they're good, I'd raise hell too.
no its not on the bottom of the skit it is on the side...and this is the worst of the 2 .. i'll post clear and more pics today....:D

Don't chance it! The force it took to fracture the lip effected the structure of that piston, I'm sure you can buy them 1 by 1, I'd like to know what United Engines tells you, i'm sure i know 8).
yea i guess i'll just stuff these in a box somewhere ..i dont need them i am going big block ..but i had sold them to a guy and he said they where no good and i sent his money back for the piston...didnt want to take the money for parts that where damaged...but as far as how they got like this i have to thank to good old postal service for that...when i shipped them they where in great shape only had about 30 miles on them from new..block was junk so we took the pistons out and put them away...so if someone needs some kb107 pistons(6 of them) on rods and arp bolts make me a good offer and they are yours....lol :D thanks mike