plastic guage lens cracks



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
took a pic of my 65 tach and noticed 'stress' cracks (all I can think of calling them) in the plastic lens. Would liquid resin fill the cracks or just leave a big blob of clear goo? Being concave, I cant apply with the pressure method but I may be able to apply a vacuum behind it and let the resin fill in like that? I dont think Ill be able to find a new lens unless thy used that same size lens for the 66 dash? ....Same thing happens to taillight lenses: random cracks. I think windex or ammonia causes this? Youtube had a concocion of salt and alcohol that penetrated the crack and caused it to be less noticeable on glass.
took a pic of my 65 tach and noticed 'stress' cracks (all I can think of calling them) in the plastic lens. Would liquid resin fill the cracks or just leave a big blob of clear goo? Being concave, I cant apply with the pressure method but I may be able to apply a vacuum behind it and let the resin fill in like that? I dont think Ill be able to find a new lens unless thy used that same size lens for the 66 dash? ....Same thing happens to taillight lenses: random cracks. I think windex or ammonia causes this? Youtube had a concocion of salt and alcohol that penetrated the crack and caused it to be less noticeable on glass.
View attachment 1715465446

Blob of goo.
The only decent way I have found is to replace the lens with another piece, but that's almost impossible with a crimp sealed gauge.
The best way I have found for the tail/brake lenses is to coat the entire outside surface with clear thick enough to overlay and fill the cracks.
Yes, the lens is removeable. I didnt think of casting my own but that is totally doable for me. My next project......