Plastic Razors Are Expensive

This reminds me of another thread, the one about your oldest thing you have or something like that. I have the soap cup and two razors, double edge blades, that my dad used. Man, I tried that once years ago and them things will cut if you're not careful. LOL

And the prep work is as important as the razor.

I swear the old cup soap and brush will make even a cheap razor cut close and smooth.
And the prep work is as important as the razor.

I swear the old cup soap and brush will make even a cheap razor cut close and smooth.
My barber still shaves the back hair line on my neck with hot lather and a straight edge. They don't tune the blade up on a leather strap like they did 50 years ago but that straight edge just glides through the stubble like nothing's there. The hot lather fees great and it gives you that "barber shop" smell.
I think this is a little extreme.

My choice.
Seems cheap enough.
I run one over my face after I get out of the shower every night.
Works fine.

I went back to the old school safty razor, hell 10 blades for $2 and they work better if you ask me than multi blades.
I used to use a Gillette Mach 3, but got tired of spending almost $20 for a refill pack of only 4 blades! I bought an old WWII GI issue shaving kit off eBay. It even came with a pack of PAL Hollow Ground "watch spring steel" blades, but after almost 70 years, they were rather dull. I found a package of Wilkerson Sword blades at the local Wally World for all of $1.97. I bought two packs. Just used the last one up not that long ago. Of course, now that I need more, my WM doesn't carry the Wilkerson Sword blades anymore. Surprise surprise!
I use these.

They are imported from Japan and I found them to be more comfortable to shave with than any of the other brands. If you work out the price, they are close to what you paid at Wally World. I get at least four shaves out of each blade, where I got two shaves out of other brands. YMMV.
Believe it or the closest cheapest shave I've gotten is from a woman's razor.

This things ar designed to cut down a jungle called leg hair (and..ermm..well, you know). Friggin things knock down a beard in a hurry.