Please Keep My Wife In Your Thoughts And Prayers...



Inland Mopars Car Club
FABO Gold Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
North OC, SoCal
My wife is a 15-year breast cancer survivor. Her last yearly PET scan showed a 'glow' in her right tonsil. The ENT specialist can't positively identify anything since it is either completely inside or behind the tonsil so it comes out tomorrow for biopsy.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers during her out-patient surgery tomorrow and for the best possible outcome on the biopsy.
She's a fighter and was so strong through her initial diagnosis, surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments before. I just hope and pray for 'negative' (good) results this time!
Thanks all for the collective strength of FABO. I'll update as I know more.
Sorry to hear, prayers and support for negative results on the biopsy!! Best go load up on popsicles, she is going to be one sore girl!!
Our prayers are going out to you and your wife for a clean bill of health. Lets hope a collective sigh of relief can be had when her results are in!!! Geof
You got it buddy. She's on the list.
Prayers sent from the midwest, cancer just sucks, but at least there is ice cream afterwards, strawberry comes to mind, but all flavors are excellent
Many prayers for you and your wife, and to the doctor's for the wisdom they have received ocdart.

I posted a prayer here yesterday.:)
Tuesday (04/19) update: Surgery went very well and extremely quick (25 minutes). Surgeon said everything appeared normal with the tonsil but we need to wait for the biopsy results (about a week) to make certain.
Thanks all for your prayers and good thoughts! Keep 'em coming until we know for sure.
Judy's resting at home and says she feels fine except for a sore throat. When the surgeon came out to talk to me he said, "She's a tough one! I wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley."
Like I didn't already know that!