Please reasd this

I'm one of the newer guys here. I checked the sight out before I joined and
decided its a great site very informative. If I wanted to endure arguing
I'd watch the political debates or look at vulgar pictures I'd go to one of
the sleazy site. You have a good site here. I've gotten some good info already. Let's keep it that way for everyone.
Adam, Joey and the rest. Keep up the good work!

whatever it takes folks. this is definitely better than all the other boards combined. i'll do my part.
adams right theres no need for the arguments and i admit i have posted back when people have made rude comments towards someone else or they were just an a$$ i guess there is really no need for that either the mods seem to catch everyone that needs caught in time. Thanks for the great site all of you and thanks for the info Justin
This is why I chose this site, friendly, knowledgeable members that treat one-another with kindness and respect. While being a motorhead for over forty years,I am the first to acknowledge the fact I don't know everthing and enjoy the advice and recommendations of the members. I come here for "MOPAR" stuff and enjoy the interaction with the membership.Let's focus on the car stuff and leave the "BS" for the other sites.:thumblef: ":burnout::angel7:HAPPY NEW YEAR"
I understand completely and will try to watch my manners.

Believe it or not, me too. I'll try and behave. Really.... No-no...I REALLY mean it! No kidding.

Thanks Adam. I know I've been guilty of some of the non-sense, but I have seen a few posts that made ME go uh-oh...
I think that this is the best and most helpful forum online.I have not posted that much,but have bought several things off here and looked around quite a bit.I got to say that most everyone on here has been GREAT!I am sure that its like adam says its a busy and stressful time of year and the winter blues.So to everyone here Thanks for the great site. Matt :happy6:
QUOTE> I hope that's not true! I'm a member their but don't post,they have far to many internet tough guys for my taste!

I have been a member here for a long time,i'm one of the few remaining original members.Over the last couple years i have seen this site grow leaps and bounds and it has always been a good place to hang out with all our great members but i can see it slowly starting to get like moparts with all the arguing and fighting.
So guys lets try harder to get along and keep this the best site on the net and let all the other crap to the other boards! <QUOTE

Kevin, I couldn't have said it better myself. :) Let's keep this board friendly, helpful, and informative for the sake of ALL the members. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, then at least have the common courtesy to reply in a respectful manner, or refrain from joining in that particular discussion. There are numerous boards available on the internet to discuss politics and religion, so if that is your flavor of the month, please join one of those sites, this is an automotive board. Name calling and profanity towards others is NOT a very intelligent method of communication, and just shows a lack of respect and tollerance.
Adam and Joey, stick to your guns as you have stated in this thread, because we don't want this forum degenerating into a place that few of us wish to visit on a daily basis as we do now.
Hear, hear. The reason I keep reading this board is for information and the good jokes, etc. That is here in abundance without the egos and BS on other sites. I feel free to chime in whenever I feel like it with tips and info without fear of being ripped and the butt of jokes. If you're wrong about something you are gently corrected and we move on. The people here on a regular basis are such good people that is isn't hard to spot the occasional trouble maker. When you do run across one, just ignore him/her and move on. The admins will take care of the problem, but we should do what we can to avoid dragging them into the fray. They have more than enough to do for no pay. Contributions via PayPal are accepted. Mine is on the way when I get paid.
Two parting thoughts:
Adam, don't forget to factor in the cracked backs and bad knees mixed with cold weather for an increase in grumpiness.
Memike, Did you get your Valiant?????
Adam, get off your knees - you already have the job. :)

Or at least get some knee pads!

I am pretty new, but I have not seen too many issues here. I like the down home good ole boy feel this site has.

Im amazed no one has mentioned my spelling error, LOL I tried to fix but cant edit it.
Im amazed no one has mentioned my spelling error, LOL I tried to fix but cant edit it.

i thought that was part of did say to please read it. i thought it was a scrambled word that we had to! j/k:cheers:
Some truth to the above hoary cliché. (That’s not a vulgar word)
It’s too bad that people can’t disagree without being disagreeable though.
Perhaps opinions ARE like you-know-whats. And best left covered.
But what fun would that be?

I think that I have only PM-ed Adam once.
That time it was to alert him that someone had posted nasty gibberish in the For Sale Forum.
Imagine the extra demands on his time if all of us ran to the teacher every time someone “offended” us on the board though.
I may have stepped on toes, albeit unintentionally and in good-natured fun.
But it seems there are those that push the envelop in every group and the whole class has to stay after school.
I may loose interest and move on from this board. Some might applaud that.
Or life may get in the way of talking to those of like interest here.

Other people should just get a life.
In my short time here, I have witnessed people complaining of foul language yet use vulgarities in the same post. Consistency is indeed the hobgoblin of small minds.
I know that isn’t the only thing causing friction.
It is as complex as people. And people are political (social) beings.

I have also seen people respond to the fellowman’s (woman’s) problems in a genuine caring manner here.
Though they didn’t even “know” the person.
All in all this is a remarkable group of people.
Once upon a time “pen pals” were popular.
Now we can get a whole group together at once and feel like we know people from far away places.
The wonders and pitfalls of the Internet age.
Adam, I agree with what you said in your original post 100&#37;. That being said, I always find that the peeps that respond to this type of thread are the ones it is not intended for, me included I hope. LOL
I also, am one of the oldest members, not just in age either, and have seen the site change many times. Sometimes the changes were not the most popular and some members were lost. But in the long term, the changes proved to be for the better.
Our family here is growing all the time and as in any family, there are always going to be the not so desirable members. If they need to be taken out behind the woodshed, then so be it. If that doesn't work, then they should be disowned. (Banned)
As far as the content on the board. I think that the variety in forums is great. This is a great place to come and be entertained and gain much needed knowledge. Please don't change that aspect of it.
The members as a whole are the most helpfull bunch of people I have ever talked to either in person or on the net. Adam, you, Joey and the small group of people that started the board deserve all of the credit for that. You have created a place that attracts good people.


Funny you say that. My knees have been killing me for weeks now.

1 failed left knee surgery that hurts 24 hrs a day, I can barly bend it to walk, a right knee that is getting just as bad, a bulged and torn disk in my neck ,my girlfriend calls me a grumpy old man already, I live in Seattle (cold and wet all the time, half the time I walk with a cane and Im only 29.
This is the only place I TRY not to use the F word every other word. I haven't been on for a while because Im on my once a year "Get away from the cold, stay medicated with Jack, be warm so nothing hurts" 2 week trip to Vegas, so when I get back I should be totaly mellow!!! I hope.