Please send Prayers for fellow Friend/FABO Member

prayers sent.. spend some time in the hospital myself over the holidays, so I know how not fun that had to be... get well soon my friend..
Lord, I pray that you will be Asa and the doctors that are treating him. I pray that you will help them determine what is amiss and the best way to treat it. Amen!
Oh my guys thanks so much . This makes me feel better . Im still in alittle pain im going to be going to a hart doc soon just to be safe . I dont understand 1/2 the stuff they tell me . Im going to be making some life changes ether way . I hope i just pulled some thing in my chest and got some bad food lol the docs did tell me i didnt have a hart atack tho . They checked alot of things and all came back fine . but i do have high blood presser so im going to go see what can be done bout that . This redneck aint ready to go yet lol . Wake up call in way . IIm going to be getting me one of them E cigs and stop smoking . Do i want to stop well no lol But hay if im going to be around ive got to lol . I want to thank all of you for your praryers . I was only there for like 3 hours ran alot of tests and a chest x rax and told me it dont even look like i smoke lol but they still want me to follow up with the hart doctor and i will . Right now im sitting here working on the chrger model i got from 2darts keeping my hands moving lol and on here . I aint in alot of pain at all just enough i know its there so no one worry to much . Hell my knee hurt worst then this lol
Prayers on the way even though you're feeling a little better.
Being sick was not on your Santa list!
Doc, u take care of yourself! This time of the year always gets stressfull. Will keep u in our thought and prayers and send you some good vibes. Your body is defenitly telling you something, so take care.
Take care Asa, high blood pressure is nothing to mess with. Follow up with him, and do what he says. Kinda like you around here.
Get well soon and if Cliff kicks you in the jimmies we will try not to laugh.j/k we will have to laugh.
Rough crowd in here....Better buy ya a cup...if you know what I mean....
I personally think it is pork poisoning...You need to cook that bacon longer....:finga:
All joking aside,If you going to quit cigarettes you going to have to tell your self that you are done with them all together and for good.... I am on day 29 on quitting cold turkey.
My friend Bunny quit with the e-cigarette and now she just addicted to it....It cheaper and better for ya.
Go see the Doctor and get well soon.
Glad to hear your feeling better ASA, there aint no good time to be feeling like this, but now is probably the worst time! Listen to the Doc's(just look at the nurses) and like 2Darts said listen to your body its telling ya sumpin'!!
Rough crowd in here....Better buy ya a cup...if you know what I mean....
I personally think it is pork poisoning...You need to cook that bacon longer....:finga:
All joking aside,If you going to quit cigarettes you going to have to tell your self that you are done with them all together and for good.... I am on day 29 on quitting cold turkey.
My friend Bunny quit with the e-cigarette and now she just addicted to it....It cheaper and better for ya.
Go see the Doctor and get well soon.

Congrats on quitting Martin!!

The "e-cigarettes" are just another way for someone to make money off of us. I agree just make the decision and quit, and don't buy into the message that you "can't" do it, or that you need to hand over your money for gum, pills, etc.... You can't spend your way out of smoking lol.

Just look around, when you see people puffing on these little rolled up tubes of tobacco, you gotta admit it looks pretty ridiculous.

Once you quit it is a great feeling to know you are taking better care of yourself, that you are worth not damaging your health.
just think a carton of smokes costs more than a model .....think how many models you could have had by now.

a carton of smokes is same price as a tank of gas on some cars ....think how many miles you could have covered by now.

dont be a buttlips ...ditch the butt. :D