Politically correct



Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2004
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA
I was sent this email and thought I would pass it on. Hope it comes out right.

My grandfather watched as his friends died in WW1, my father watched as his friends died in WW II, and I watched as my friends died in Afghanistan.
None of them died for a Foreign Flag.
Everyone died for the Canadian flag.
We removed Christian prayer from our schools as it might offend a minority of students, not of the Christian faith.
It is politically incorrect for Public and Civil Servants to wear anything of a religious nature while serving the public, despite the fact that civil servants are allowed to wear turbans on the job as public or Civil servants. Why? � Because it is against their religion not to wear it.
In fact our Prime Minister forbade the use of any Christian reference when a memorial service was held on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean near Halifax. The memorial was in remembrance of the 229 people that lost their lives in the September 2, 1998 Swiss Air Flight 111 that crashed. Almost all of the crash victims were Christian.
We have removed any reference to Christianity in our Courts of Law, despite the fact that our laws are based on Christian principles and values.
Bike laws in almost all Canadian Jurisdictions require bike riders to wear safety helmets. You guessed it. � people who are required to wear turbans are exempt because a helmet is not designed to be worn over a turban.
Some ten years ago a Commission was assembled in Ontario (lobbied for by Muslims) to investigate the practicality of allowing Canadians of the Muslim faith to practice Sharia law. The Commission head (a former Attorney General in the Bob Rae NDP Government) presented the Commission findings to the succeeding Provincial Government to allow limited use of Sharia Law for Canadians of the Muslim faith. The recommendation was rejected. � It should never have gone that far and in fact the issue should never have reached a discussion stage, let alone the formation of a commission.
It is politically incorrect to wish our fellow Canadians Merry Christmas.
And the list goes on and on.
Enough is enough.
The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every Canadian; and every Canadian needs to stand up for Canada.
We've bent over to appease the new Canadian immigrants long enough.
I'm taking a stand.
I'm standing up because the tens of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the Canadian flag can't stand up.
If you agree, stand up with me.
If you disagree, please let me know.
I will gladly remove you from my e-mail list.
And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.

A Map Of My Country:

Let me make this perfectly clear!

And, because I make This statement


Mean I'm against immigration!!!


Welcome! To come through legally:

1. Get a sponsor!

2. Get a place to lay your head!

3. Get a job!

4. Live By OUR Rules!

5. Pay YOUR Taxes!


6. Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants

have in the past!!!


7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime

savings of Social Security Funds to you.

If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone,

When will Canadians STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS???

We've gone so far the other way...

bent over backwards not to offend anyone.

But it seems no one cares about the

Canadian CITIZEN

that's being offended!

WAKE UP Canada !!!

If You agree.... Pass this on.

If You don't agree.. Delete It !!!

Agreeing with this is not enough! Our next election is approaching quickly. I, for one, will make a point of finding out just how the politicians that I will have a chance to vote for, stand on immigration Policy, among other things. And, what they plan to do about it, if anything.
America and Canada need to stand up for what is right and put common sense back in our lives. When you take Christ out of anything it will wither and die.
It is absolutely disgusting that immigrants receive more money than our seniors get on the old age security pension!! Also they are trying to pass a bill right now that will shorten the time to 3 years from 10 that immigrants can collect old age pension!! Close the friggin borders already until they learn to adapt to us!!
Why are two countries in this mess?Why cant we understand that these people have been taught from birth to infiltrate and destroy any other religion.Good men have fought and died for the freedoms that we have now,but are being attacked.When we allow some to live under different laws we are also attacking our own laws and our country will not stand.The united states was proved to be a paper tiger under the clinton era.Now under obama we are suffering an even bigger cancer from within.Surely men of honor and integrity will rise to take our country back.We must show God that we want and need his presence more than ever,before he will show us favor again.I for one will do whatever I can to get our countries under God again.Please Help.Talk to all of the people that you can,and Pray-Pray-PRAY!
I have been saying this for 25 years but that makes me an anti-semite and and a racist in 1985 I ran the Immigration refugee overflow facility on Sherbourne st in Toronto this is how it worked - the plane lands everybody cries refugee except 1 guy who takes everybody else's ID and valuables and walks off the plane as a visitor Immigration brings all the claiments to me and I give them 14 bucks a day per adult and 7 bucks a day per child for food and a place to stay until Immigration can determine their status, once their refugee petition was approved they would find an apartment and attend ESL while receiving a refugee stipend of $880 a month for 1 year no matter how many crammed into the same apt and what their actual cost of living was {which is why you saw them with nice cars and a down payment for a house after only a year or so in the country }, all this while welfare was $262 a month for a Canadian unless he shared a place to live then it was reduced,minimum wage was 4 bucks an hour or 640 a month gross and max unemployment insurance was $624 every 4 weeks . Sorry I almost forgot the legal visitor guy he would show up at my building and return everyone's real ID,cash and valuables minus a fee for his service of course and lets not forget these people had the money to get on the plane and get travel docs from their own governments so they weren't ever really broke to begin with but now they are here they have 2 Identities and a steady government income to supplement what ever they earn with the name Immigration knows nothing about which is why they can afford to work for nothing driving a cab or working at a gas bar .Thanks to our government our population has only grown about 25 percent in the past 25 years but our immigrant population has grown by thousands of percentage points and as for voting them out take a closer look at the names of the people running our government and running for our government and show me a dozen who aren't post ww2 immigrants but again saying this out loud makes me an anti-semite and a racist , and this will make me something even worse according to them but the only Democracy in the world to not have a full scale civil war is you guessed it right here , the only way we are ever going to change it is with a gun, I'm ready how about you?
I get the opportunity to listen to the radio during work, and some woman was denied completing an online federal job application when she chose "white" as a race. In a nutshell, we're f^&*#$d. Natives taking our money and land and still complaining it's our fault they're useless. Immigrants bringing their retirement age parents over to collect old-age pensions so they can pay their mortgages. I'm sick of this s$^%!

I'd post more, but right now I'm too pissed to vent.

My turn!!

I'm sick of all this Political Correctness. Was I sleeping when the rules changed from Majority Rules to Majority Shuts up & Pays?? Settle with the natives once & for all. That's all there is, there ain't no more. Nowgo out & get a job.
Criminals have rights & victims don't??? Once you've been found guilty of a crime you should lose all rights.
Rehabilitation, HAH! Why would they want to be rehabilitated? Being a criminal is a way easier lifestyle than being an honest citizen. Not until the ultra liberal courts & politicians figure out that crime does pay, will anything positive happen.
No more country club jails. The Russian Communists had one thing right. Drop them all in the middle of nowhere, no TV, no privaleges, just jail. Oh, you serve full sentence. Good behavior, well it's like this , behave badly & we tack time on.
Hey, as far as I'm concerned when a cop says drop your weapon, you DROP your weapon or face the consequences. Aim for the head, guys!

Rant Over