


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Aguanga, CA.
I was up at my grandmas house last night visiting her. When I was leaving I saw a Possum on a table she keeps on the porch eating her cats food. I did not know we had them around here but it looks like we do after all. Is this thing going to eat her cats? She is scared of the thing. I tryed to shoe it off the porch and it was very stubborn about it and showed me his teath. Now Grandma is realy scared of it. I am more stubborn though and got it off the porch and into his hole. But with that free cat food out and mabby even a cat or two to snack on I know it will be back.

What should I do? I am about to get the shotgun out.

Hey Small block/Memike. Are Possums good eating?
No, it won't eat your cats... Free cat food, though, is another matter. Stop leaving the cat food out at night and it will stop coming around.
it wont eat the cats but it will just keep coming back for the food. either get rid of the food or perhaps put it somewhere only the cats can get up? assuming possums cant jump as high as cats.
Ahhhhhhhh,a grinner.

My late golden retriever used to beat em up and snap there necks.They were
always getting in the back yard and apparently couldnt get back out of the fence.I never realized it till i could hear the fight.There tough little basterds
but harmless for the most part.

Ugly little fellers

As a matter of fact they are good eating. You have to catch them and keep them in a cage for a couple of weeks before you eat them though. They eat anything, including carrion, and a fresh kill may have some nasty stuff in their system. A couple of weeks on a diet of table scraps and lettuce will clean out their system and after that, break out the dumplings Maynard. Yum, yum.
i have a pet raccon and he is pretty cool like a dog lol possums are weird lookin but there animals to
Ahhhhhhhh,a grinner.

My late golden retriever used to beat em up and snap there necks.They were
always getting in the back yard and apparently couldnt get back out of the fence.I never realized it till i could hear the fight.There tough little basterds
but harmless for the most part.

Ugly little fellers

Not this one. :happy10:

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Yup, they sure will eat the catfood. Racoons will too. We had to stop sitting ours out. I miss the coons, but not the opossums.

I never did like the taste of opossum. Too greasy for me. I don't eat duck for the same reason.

They are some nasty looking little cusses aren't they? They hiss too.
lol well i caught my raccon when he was real little like the size of the palm of your hand we bottle fed him and now we cant get rid of him he is like a part of the family his name is bandit
lol well i caught my raccon when he was real little like the size of the palm of your hand we bottle fed him and now we cant get rid of him he is like a part of the family his name is bandit

Thats cool.
I didn't want mamma to come looking for him.
I also have a couple of armadillos living under my shed out back.
well here he is the friendlest raccon you will ever meet he eats oatmeal in the mornin and he loves to look for bugs out by our pool he is to funny never know he was a raccon the ones of him outside are old the one of him in his little room i just took 100_0204.jpg









oh about a year maybe two years he weighs a ton lol
My old Golden and Yellow Lab destroyed opossum all the time in my backyard. They would bark at night and I would call'em over and they wouldn't come. I would book it outside and there's Mag and Soc standing over their fresh kill. A freshly dead opossum for dad. Very cool. Great dogs. Would catch rats that ran though the ivy and snap their little necks...
ya my coon weighs oh about 20-30 lb fat lil sucker
I thought he looked harmless. I will let my grandma know. Its up to here though what to do with it. Her house and all. I have a fealing it wont last long. Grandma grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania. Anamils either have a purpose or are not keep around. The cats eat mice and gophers so they stay. But even they are "out side pets only". Thats just how Grandma is.
As a matter of fact they are good eating. You have to catch them and keep them in a cage for a couple of weeks before you eat them though. They eat anything, including carrion, and a fresh kill may have some nasty stuff in their system. A couple of weeks on a diet of table scraps and lettuce will clean out their system and after that, break out the dumplings Maynard. Yum, yum.

You can have all you want of em. I saw one come out of the inside of a dead rotting cow.I wont eat anything nastier than a hog or chicken. Besides i,ve been told they are awful greasy.