Prayer's for my Dad.

Jeff.... My thoughts and prayers go out to your father.. I hope that all will be well, and he will be ok
Me & Amy send our thoughts and prayers for your Dad's speedy, and full, recovery. Hang in there...
Jeff your Dad, Everett is in my prayers tonight. I sure pray to GOD he is going to be ok.

take care and may Jesus look after your family too!
God takes care of all of his children and Your father will be at the top of the list :) everything will be ok and keep up the faith! hold it higher than your chin :)
More prayers.......... This is a tough one, I Mom went through the same........HANG IN THERE............. Doc
Things aren't looking very good today. From what I understand with this type of stroke(hemoragic) normally it gets worse before it gets better.
Things aren't looking very good today. From what I understand with this type of stroke(hemoragic) normally it gets worse before it gets better.
God be with him and show the Drs. they can be wrong.
My prayer for all to be strong
Our family wil be praying hard for your Dad Jeff, I am so sorry to hear he is having a tough time, he will be in our thoughts and prayers all weekend. God is watching over him now.