Prayers needed

They released Phoenix from the hospital. EKG, blood work, urine test, monitors, cheat x ray all came back "normal" according to dr ducky as I call him. He also told us that we need to burn our monitor because it will "destroy us and the family". Needless to say, I told him he is full of $h!t.... We are going to get a second opinion
Of course the moniter didn't do any good because they didn't let her sleep long enough for her to have an episode... She finally fell asleep between 6 and 6:30am and woke her up at 8am....
Dr. Ducky sounds like a quack.

I'm restraining myself from commenting further about him.

Prayers sent that you get some real answers asap.
That's why I call him dr ducky rofl I got the opportunity to tell him that he's full of $h!t
Sorry to hear she's having problems.

Hoping you get to the bottom of the problems and get her cured.

I agree to find another Dr. This one does not sound competant.
They released Phoenix from the hospital. EKG, blood work, urine test, monitors, cheat x ray all came back "normal" according to dr ducky as I call him. He also told us that we need to burn our monitor because it will "destroy us and the family". Needless to say, I told him he is full of $h!t.... We are going to get a second opinion

Of course the moniter didn't do any good because they didn't let her sleep long enough for her to have an episode... She finally fell asleep between 6 and 6:30am and woke her up at 8am....

That's why I call him dr ducky rofl I got the opportunity to tell him that he's full of $h!t

Some doctors need to get real sick and then recover so they understand what life is. I bet they would have a better outlook on things.

Prayers continue.
I hate quack doctors. Prayers from us and give Phoenix a hug from Mary.
Not really any good news. She's her playful little self though.


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They released Phoenix from the hospital. EKG, blood work, urine test, monitors, cheat x ray all came back "normal" according to dr ducky as I call him. He also told us that we need to burn our monitor because it will "destroy us and the family". Needless to say, I told him he is full of $h!t.... We are going to get a second opinion

Good idea.

My friends who's child was born premie had such a doctor. Called himself a "specialist." Mom's blood pressure was through the roof, putting the baby at risk and the "specialist" was going to send her home, saying, "the baby should be okay. It might kill the baby, but it probably won't." Then their regular OB stepped in, cut the orders to keep them in the hospital, and less than three hours later they were headed in for a C-section because Mom's blood pressure had gone completely the other way, putting them both at risk.

Little Maddie is 7 pounds now and not out of ICU yet, but there's an end date being planned for her going home.

Some doctors just don't get it.

My continued prayers for Pheonix, Mom and Dad, and finding a doctor who has the wisdom to listen to what you're telling him (or her) so that you can get to the bottom of this.
She's a cutie. Very wise getting a second opinion, hope everything is fine though. :)